Chapter 2- Finding the truth

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Corey walked to his locker and opened it. A paper fell to the ground and he grabbed it.

Meet me behind the school, after classes. I know what hapened to your friends.

The boy looked around. Two girls from Brad's crew walked past him and made disgusted faces.

"Isn't he that guy who was super popular before Brad classified him 'not popular'?"

"Yeah. I don't, like, know what people saw on him and stuff."

Corey rolled his eyes. Those two weren't the smartest girls in school so they weren't smart enough to know that their comments didn't hurt him.

"I know right. Can't believe Laney had a crush on him."

Corey's eyes widened. Laney? Crush on him? Had? He shook his head and walked down the hall, to his classroom.

He opened the door. Everyone was talking, because the teacher wasn't there already.

He entered it, quietly, and sat on the back of the room. Nobody noticed him so he just grabbed his phone and his earbuds and listened to music. Suddenly the music shut and everyone was looking at him, in completely silence.

He raised an eyebrow and looked up to see Brad putting his earbuds on. The jock made a disgusted face and removed them of his ears.

"What kind of music is this? It's horrible! Don't tell this is what you guys played in practice. No wonder Lanes and that loser twins left you."
He was going to add something to his insult, but the teacher entered the room and he sat on his chair, on the other side of the room.


Corey entered the canteen. He only had the first class with Brad, so he was safe until lunch. Until.

He sat with his food when four familiar persons approached him. He looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"What do you want?"

The shortest one started talking.

"We heard what happened to Grojband."

"So what? You came to tease me?"

"No. We wanted to say that you guys were a great competition. We hope you get together."

"Hum, thanks?"

With that the Newmans left.

Corey started eating when he heard another voice. One voice he didn't want to hear.


He muttered and looked up to see the two girls from earlier, the captain of the basketball team, Brad and a familiar red head.

'Laney' He tought before Brad started talking.

"Look who we have here. If it isn't Riffin."

"What do you want?"

Brad faked a hurt face.

"What? Can't I visit my friend?"

Corey raised an eyebrow.

"Both of us know that the last thing I am to you is a friend. "

Brad smirked.

"Guess who finally started to get smart?"

His crew started to laugh. Corey looked at Laney who was just looking at the floor, avoiding any eye contact.

"Says the guy who has the lowest grades in school."

Brad grabbed him by his arm.

"At least I am a person that the others notice!

"Only because you keep punching the persons you don't like! For no reason!"
"Oh really? How is this for a puch?"

Corey closed his eyes, waiting for the impact. It never came and when he opened his eyes he saw Laney holding Brad's hand, preventing it from punching Corey's face.

"But Lanes..."

"No buts. You have to stop punching people. "

"Oh really? Is that because you don't want me to go to detention or because you still have a crush on Riffin."

Everyone in the canteen shut up, waiting for a asnwer. Laney put her hands on her waist.

"Me? A crush on this thing? You gotta be kidding. I am your girlfriend and I love you and you should know that by now. If you don't trust me then I'd rather break up with you."

With that she left, the two girls following her like two lost puppies.

"Babe wait." Then the two boys ran after them.

And, in that moment, Corey wished he had the punch isntead of Laney saying that.


After classes Corey walked to the back of the school. He noticed a girl sitting in the stairs. She was about thirteen years old. When she noticed the blue haired boy she waved.

"Corey! Corey Riffin! Here!"

He approached the girl. She handed him a piece of paper and smiled.

"I'm the sister of the person that wanted to talk to you after school. She couldn't come. Got stuck on detention. But she told me to give you this"

And the girl walked away. Corey smiled and started reading the paper.

If you are reading this it means my sister gave you the paper and I am stuck in detention.
So I heard, like everybody, that Grojband broke up. For all the persons on our school it was a shock. For all the persons in our school but for me, the music club and Brad's crew. I only knew that this was going to happen because I was one of the club members.
They had this planned since the beginning of the year. The principal wanted the music club to try being bigger but they were to lazy to go ask people if they wanted to join, so they made a plan to disband the two bands that were in school (yours and Carrie's) and make them join. Unfortunately, for them, the Newmans didn't break up. So they tried to break up Grojband.
First they went to the twins (In that week you were sick so you didn't come to school when that happened).
They went to the principal office and made copys of their information. Same for Laney's. After that they talked everyone in school that knew Kin and Kon, trying to find another information. Then they used blackmail. They said that if the two didn't join them they would tell everybody some of them most embarassing secrets (I think you probably know them since you guys were best friends).
So after convincing them really hard (believe it was really hard, noone of them wanted it and they resisted really hard), they joined the club.
About two days later (you were still sick) everyone received the news that Laney Penn was dating Brad, so 'obviously' she had to join the popular club and get away from Grojband because they were big losers.
I don't really know what hapenned but she was very sad. I think you should talk to her.
Good luck getting your band back (I really mean it, I'm not being sarcastic like everyone thinks I am everytime I talk.

Corey's eyes widened before he clenched his fist, ripped the paper, threw it to the garbage bin and walked home.

guys. What's up?.............
Not counting the sky.
Sorry for the long wait but I had tests and that means no time to do something I like.
Hope you guys enjoy this one.

XOXO EatingSnowflakes

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