Chapter 4- "Whatever you say Lanes"

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Laney sighed. Brad and his crew were probably the most dumb and annoying people she ever met. Currently her "boyfriend" was trying to equilibrate his juice on his nose and the others were staring at him in awe. She rolled her eyes.
When he drops it and spills juice all over his shirt they are just going to clap and bring him napkins to clean him. Does that guy even know how to do something without help?

"Babe? Babe? Laney!"

She glared at him.

"What is it?"

Brad frowned and faked a sad face.

"You didn't applaude me. And you were zoning out again. What's the matter?"

"None of your business. Why do you care anyway?"

Brad moved closer to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders while playing with her hair.

"Because I'm your boyfriend""

He pecked her lips and smirked. Laney rolled her eyes when the two girls next to them giggled.

"OMG, you are so adorable together. Right Tiffany?"

"Of course Miley. Totes the cutest."

They giggled again and started talking about their favourite boys band.

"And you Wes? What do you think of me and Lanes together?"

The blonde raised his head and glared at him.

"I think you're better with your future trophy. And I think Laney thinks the same."

Laney grinned and Wes did the same. Brad glared at the two and after grabbing his "friend's" arm he dragged him out of the canteen and slamed his back against the wall, leaving Laney alone with the two girls that were fangirling over the same band.

"I thought I made it clear when I said noone was allowed to talk about it"

Wes glared at him.

"Yes, you did. And do you know what you did too? You made a girl be your girlfriend even thought she hated you and had a crush on another boy just so you could be the guy that dated all the girls in school. And don't act like you weren't going to break up with her after one or two weeks!"

The boy was met with a bunch of punchs on his face.

"I said noone talks about it!"


Riley was walking to her classroom when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and gasped at the sight of a blonde covered with bruises and scars.

"Wes? What happened?"

After the boy told her what opened she stared at him dumbfounded. Her handed her a letter.

"I heard that guy with glasses from Grojband, I think his name is Kin, talking about the letter that you gave Corey and that bought him and his brother back to the band. You didn't know what happened to Laney but this explains it all. You can read it but I need you to give it to Corey and the twins."


With that she continued to walk but was interrupted by Wes voice.

"Just don't tell Brad I gave you this okay? "

Riley turned around again and smiled sweetly.

"Of course"

Corey sighed as he sat on his chair when he saw a paper flying and laying on his desk. He raised an eyebrow and looked out the window. There was a brunette waving and smiling.

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