Chapter 5- Cliffhanger (literally)

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So I bet you all are like" Didn't she say there were going to be suicide attempts? Then why are the twins and Laney already back?"
Calm down and prepare to watch (read) someone suffering. (Evil laugh)
On with the story.

"What do you mean it's all a lie?"

Brad evily chuckled.

"You don't really think that they would come back so easy. They all hate you. Think about it. Who would like to be your friend after all that crazy plans that could kill them?"

"And do you have any proof?"

"Well, duh! I sent it to your e-mail. Check your computer."

With that he left with Miley and Tiffany trailing behind him while fanning him. Corey raised an eyebrow. He wasn't going to believe him, right? It was probably a trap. But he was curious. He walked home and opened the computer. He was alone. His dad was working and Trina was in Mina's house (Or was she shopping? He wasn't listening to her). The twins were spending the day at the fair with their family and Laney was at home cleaning her room.

He searched trough the files and found the one Brad sent. He opened it and started watching the video.

The first two minutes were Brad talking (and insulting him) about his plan to get Laney and how he made her fake that she liked Corey so he would get false hope. The next three minutes were the music club saying that they made the twins join Grojband so they could quit it and leave Corey alone.

The next three minutes were Laney and the twins talking about how they hated him and hoped he didn't exist.

He stared at the screen. That couldn't be true. He didn't want to believe him, he didn't, but he did. With tears falling from his eyes he sent the video to Laney and asked her if that was true. He didn't know why he did that. Maybe he was hoping that she would come to him and say that was fake and she still loved him or maybe just a simple no. Eitheir way he left a note saying that he couldn't take it anymore and ran from the garage.

Laney finished cleaning her room and was leaving to Corey's house ,when her dad called her saying she got a new message in her computer. She ran upstairs and started watching the video.

How did Corey get this thing. I thought Brad deleted it.

She looked at the corner of the screen. There were the dates of the videos. The one with her and the twins was made a month ago and the others only in the last week.

"That son of a..."

"Watch your tongue, young lady!"

"Sorry mom."

With that she ran to Corey's garage and opened the door. Corey wasn't there. That was a bad thing.

"Corey? Core? Are you home?"

She looked around and found the note. A loud gasp could be heard in the whole house.


Laney ran after Corey. She couldn't believe he was really going to do it. She looked behind. Kin and Kon were about ten meters after her.
When Corey stopped at the end of the cliff, she grabbed his hand and pulled him back. She sat next to him and hugged him. Her eyes were red and puffy and her makeup was running down her face. The twins arrived shortly and engulfed the two in a bear hug.

Laney stared at Corey.

"Never. Never do that again."

"I promise."

*End Flashback*

"He promised."

She sent the twins a message the fastest she could and ran to the place, she hoped, Corey was.


The twins were devouring corn dogs when they received Laney's message. They gasped.

" Hey mom, Kon and I left our favourite mustard at home. Can we go get it? "

"Sure but be careful while crossing the street."

"Okay mom."

They ran to the place Laney told then to go. It was a bit far away and hopefully they wouldn't come to late.


Corey looked at the ground. It was probably five kilometers away from the top of the cliff. He closed his eyes and threw himself. He waited for the impact but it never came. He could feel something grabbing his arms and trying to push him, with no effort since he was too heavy. He opened his eyes to see himself hanging from the cliff.

BAM!CLIFFHANGER! You got it? Because he's hanging from the cliff and I left you in the kind of situation where you want to kil the author. No? Okay.

And yes Laney is going to drop him and he's gonna die...

Just kidding. Im not letting him die until he becomes an old famous rockstar along with Grojband.

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