Chapter 14

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A few blood cells mutter about how messy and uneven my hair looks but that's the least of my problems.

I fall over a box and a Killer T helps me up, I say "Thank you" I look up and realize it's T.

My eyes light up with hope and I say "T! It's me Y/n, I need your help!" He scratches the back of his head and says unsure "Is that really you...?"

I nod and say trying not to cry "Yes! T it's me and something went wrong with Nikko!" He nods and says "Yep that's you alright, what happened? Are you cured? Why so you look a lot like your sensei?"

He inspects my features, I start crying and say "T! Something happened to me".

T hugs me tightly and says "It's okay, whatever happened you're cured right?"

I shake my head and say "I'm not cured, promise you won't freak out?" He nods slowly, I lead him behind the Killer T block and say now that we are alone "I'm a Cancer Cell now, Nikko tried to merge with me again and his coding over rides my red blood cell ones".

He stares at me speechless, I continue "I disguised myself as a red blood cell and ended up looking like Casey on accident so I cut my hair so I can look a little different".

His hand goes behind him, I say "I don't know what to do and I need your help, please! Please help me get rid of Nikko! I want to live a normal life, I don't want to be a monster!"

I wince, and fear pierces my heart when I see T bring out his knife shakily.

I back up and say "T, please help me, please", he walks towards me slowly and I turn into my Cancer Cell form begging him to stop.

I shout "T! Please! I don't want to die I just want to live! I promise I won't harm anyone!"

I cry and close my eyes, the sound of his blade cuts through the air, when I open my eyes strands of my hair fall before my vision.

I put a hand on my head and feel my hair noticing a slight difference.

T puts his blade away struggling and says "Your hair is little more even now".

I reach out to him and he doesn't move, his expression is crest fallen.

I hug him gently and say "I'm scared, I don't know what Nikko plans, but all I know is that I can't do this without you".

He pats my head and says "No matter what form you take, you are the same cell I care about".

My breath hitches and I grip his chest sobbing, T says "I will protect you from that monster".

A Killer T bursts through the door and yells "Hey! Are you coming inside or what?" T hides me and says "Of course! Get your arse back inside!"

I transform into the red blood cell when the Killer T shouts "What are you hiding over there?"

I step away from T and wave, I say "I'm cured" they gape at me and say "Wow, would you look at that. NOW HURRY UP! DINNERS READY!"

I giggle and T takes my hand leading me inside.


709 tips his hat to me and says "Congrats on getting cured" I thank him and sit down beside T.

The vibe in the Killer T block has changed ever since I entered last time.

More curious and careful eyes inspecting me as they walk past.

555 serves tables food with another male cell, when food is served to us I stare at the delicious curry with rice and ask "Am I really allowed this?"

T replies pushing my bowl towards me "Yeah, you are my guest and a red blood cell, you need food".

He gives me a wink, I pick up my fork and take a bite of the curry, I see 555 looming over me with curious eyes waiting for me to tell him what his cooking is like.

The textures and flavour makes me want to eat more, I swallow and say "This is amazing, thank you" 555 cheers and says "Your girl has taste!" I laugh a bit and he walks away with a happy smile and a skip in his step.

I try my hardest not to eat the food in my bowl all at once so I don't look weird or starving.

I mix the rice with the curry a bit more and T asks "Enjoying yourself?" I finish eating all the food in my bowl and say "That was amazing!"

He pats my back lightly and says "You need to be fed, you looked like you haven't eaten anything in hours."

I look at the table with a smile and say "I have to get back to work soon" T looks at me weird and whispers "You can't exactly do that anymore..."

I'm the one now to give him an odd look, he whispers "Y/n, you are different now, remember?"

I remember Cancer Cell's don't do work, if they tried they would be either killed or shoved out of the place.

I say outloud "Hey T, can you bring me to your room again?" T catches on and says "Yes of course, follow me" he gets out of his seat and leads me away from the dinning room.


He locks his door and turns to me, I say quietly "So because I'm a Cancer Cell I have to keep hiding for the rest of my life?"

He replies "You just have to keep yourself under control and not cause trouble".

I ask worriedly "I have a chance of going berserk for no reason?" T shakes his head and says "Not if you can keep yourself under control, just don't give yourself a reason to destroy the body".

I lay down on his bed and say "All I want is for Nikko to either control himself or get exterminated" T plops down beside me and says sarcastically "Well that's positive".

Cells At Work/Cancer Cell x Red Blood Cell ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now