Chapter 10

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Nikko, T and I sit down drinking tea.

I wipe my eyes and say "Jeez, lately I've been getting tireder and tireder, this drink doesn't help either".

I let out a relaxed breath, the boys give eachother a glaring contest across the table.

I say bluntly "Look, I know you two have a thing for me or whatever but can yous stop glaring at eachother for a second and try to be friends".

They both snap to me shocked and they both try to convince me they aren't into me.

I just sigh and rest my head on the table.

Suddenly there is no table, a germ burst right through it and I just sit there in my seat bored.

The germ laughs and announces itself as a throat germ, she then looks at me confused and speechless.

The germ asks angrily "Why aren't you scared and running away!?"

I say "I'm gonna be bluntly honest, I don't care today", she gapes at me in shock as I pick up my tea and walk away.

T shouts pushing over Nikko "Wait for me Y/n!" Nikko growls and kicks T.

T huffs and slaughters the germ, the germ lays on the ground with a crying face muttering her last words "That was so disappointing..."

T walks side by side with me and asks "Are you sure you are okay?" I nod and say "I'm fine, I keep telling you this".

Nikko catches up and says "Maybe you should stop asking her why she's not looking well, maybe you're the reason she isn't".

T shouts at him "What's that supposed to mean!?" I snap "Okay, I'm sorry but I don't think I can handle this for today alright. Thank you for today but I'm going to go do work".

The boys freeze and watch me leave in confusion.


I get halted by a cell at every single stop I make with my packages.

Every single one says I either don't have enough oxygen or nutrients.

I walk back to the place where I get oxygen and enter the room refilling my package.

A knock on the door catches my attention, Nikko stands there with a soft smile and says "Hey..."

I ask "Hi, aren't you supposed to be working?"

He says "Maybe, I want to check on you, you seem very unhappy".

I stand up with my package now full and say "I've just been fine".

He says sarcastically "Riiight...and you defiantly haven't been filling up boxes with oxygen instead of nutrients the whole time I knew you".

I freeze and say in fear "What?" Nikko starts bursting into laughter and says "You're meant to take the canisters over there" He points to the metal canisters in the corner.

I face palm and say "I've been filling up boxes and doing this for months! No wonder I can't get into places or people look at me weird when I arrive at my destination!"

Nikko picks up a canister and opens my package chucking the box to the side.

He fills up the canister for me and gives it to me, I sigh and say "Thank you".

Nikko replies "The reasonw hy you weren't getting enough oxygen to the body is because you were using packages".

I ask worriedly "Why didn't you tell me when we first met!?" He giggles and says "I didn't know if you knew what you were doing or not".

He hands me the canister and we brush fingers, I say "Thank you" He replies inches from me "No problem".

I lean against the wall and say "Maybe that date isn't such a bad idea..." I rest my hand on his chest, he takes my chin and slowly leans in.

I then suddenly snap out of it and say "I mean- it's not a bad idea but you know I should probably stick with red blood cells".

He laughs a bit and pulls away, Nikko says "Right, I'll see you later".

He breaks away from me and leaves looking at me from the corner of his eye with a smile.


{Cancer Cell's POV}
'Nikko... A name she gave me so she can call my name without catching others attention.'

I chuckle to myself and stop feeling a cold blade resting on the back of my neck.

Natural says angrily "I've been trying to kill you for months now yet you somehow get away every time".

I mutter "You shouldn't be holding a blade to a fellow cells neck in public".

She growls and shoves me into a hidden corner, she snaps "What have you been doing lately?" I smirk and say "Wouldn't you like to know".

I remember me spreading more cancer clumps, ripping apart walls of the body, eating some nutrients on my way to infecting more red blood cells.

She glares at me and prepares her blade to slice my neck, I dodge and she cuts some of my hair on accident, I turn my hands into fists and duck under her, I kick her back and she falls against the wall.

I dart off laughing.

I run into T and step back a bit with an angry expression, T asks with a tone "What the hell are you running away from?"

T crosses his arms, I say "Just because you're made of muscles doesn't mean Y/n will immediately choose you" He shouts "WHAT! YOU WANNA FIGHT!?"

I smirk and say "Yeah I do" T brings up his fists, as he attempts to punch me I grab his wrist and swing around him jumping onto his back and watch as Natural gets hit by T.

I laugh and drop down to my feet running away.


{Natural's POV}
The Killer T apologies and says "I'm so sorry!" I snap "That doesn't matter what matters is that Normal cell is the Cancer Cell!"

The Killer T's eyes widen, he asks "That Normal cell was the Cancer Cell all this time?" I say holding my throat where I was punched "Yes, I was trying to stop everyone from panicking so I didn't tell you or your little red blood cell".

Cells At Work/Cancer Cell x Red Blood Cell ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now