Chapter 13

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I duck under a piece of rubble and shout "Nikko!" I spot him, he turns and looks at me with wide eyes.

I grab his arm and say "Come on we need to go!" He pulls away from me and says "No, you said you didn't have feelings for me, why do you care now?"

I facepalm myself and say "I do care! I care about your safety! Now let's go!" He crosses his arms and says "I don't believe it".

I growl and try to pull him but he doesn't budge, I wrap my arms around his waist and pull.

Nikko stares down at me unimpressed, I sink my nails into his back using all my strength, he winces like I grabbed a sore spot and moves forward.

He growls "Alright fine, I'll move!"

We only just dodge a falling piece of ceiling, I say "Follow me! We are going to the abandoned membranes".

He asks surprised "Wait, there? Why?" I say "I'll explain when we get there".

I see another piece of rubble about to fall, Nikko wraps his arms around me and we tumble away from the rubble that falls onto the ground.

He asks "Are you alright?" I nod and say "Yeah, let's go".


We catch our breath in the membranes, I look at the brown haired male and say "I owe you an explanation don't I?"

He crosses his arms once more and says "Explain".

I wipe my forehead and say "Nikko, do you ever feel unloved by any chance? Like, you feel left out because of who you are".

His brown eyes soften a bit, he says "Maybe... what are you getting at?"

I say standing up straight and stretching my back "What I am getting at is, are you a germ in disguise?" I reach out to him, he backs away and asks "What have you the idea I was a germ?"

He has his back against the wall,  I rest my hand against his cheek and say "Everyone deserves to feel loved don't they, if you are a germ you need to remember you have friends. Take T and I for example".

Nikko chuckles and says "You don't mean it, you just want to lead me to my death" I say "You don't have to die, you just have to control yourself and stop trying to attack the body".

He says with a glare "You can't stop how you were made", I cup his face and say "But you can try, and I will give you something that might change your mind".

I lock lips with him and close my eyes, I can hear material shredding to pieces and sense Nikko's body growing slightly stronger, his slim fingers slide onto my lower back turning to a grasp.

I open my eyes and see the Cancer Cell, T was right, Natural was right.

Despite my fear staring into his eyes I kiss harder pretending to mean it.

I slowly pull away and can't help but notice how smooth his skin is now.

He asks "You really think a kiss would change my mind, you really think I'd believe you want this? I saw the look in your eyes".

I say "So you do have feelings for me, real ones" He freezes then snaps "No I don't! You are just part of my plan! I will destroy this body!"

I take his chin and rest my thumb against his lips, I say softly "If you control yourself maybe one day I might change my mind about being with a male red blood cell".

He grabs my waist with both hands and I gasp feeling him trying to merge with me again.

I pull at his hair and yell "Get off me!" I feel my energy draining like last time.

I manage to rip away from him and my hand rests on a broken mirror behind me.

I hesitantly look into the shards and watch as my hair color and skin fades even more.

My eyes growing a brighter color.

Nikko says unimpressed "Everytime you manage to get away after I try to merge with you, you get worse, I'm giving you some of my coding by accident aren't I?"

I rip one of the glass shards from the mirror and rip it across his cheek stabbing his shoulder.

He yells and holds the shard in his arm, I make a run for it.


I fall onto my knees in the middle of a crowd, I start feeling self conscious and back away from the cells hiding in an alley.

I sit against the wall and stare at my hands, tears threaten to fall as I see my nails grow slightly longer.

I ask frightened "What's happening?" I hold my mouth preventing a scream as pain ruptures through my back.

I fall onto my side and turn my hands into fists trying to contain my pain.

Suddenly massive tumors burst out my back and I squirm on the ground.

I huff and puff as my body transforms, I try to stand up but my body is transforming in rapid rates.

I collapse and bite my fist trying to contain my screams, in half an hour the pain fades and I relax on the floor.

I look at myself and say "Am I a Cancer Cell? Is this what that white blood cell meant when he said I was going to die?"

I think 'I can't go out there looking like this, how did Cancer Cell disguise himself?'

I imagine being a red blood cell really hard and I transform into what I wished, however, the red blood cell I disguised as is Casey.

I gape at my figure and say "This better work, I need to find T!"

I step into the open and cells walk past normally not even bothered by my presence.

I sigh and say "I need to find T and make sure Casey doesn't spot me!" I think then walk back into the alley and pick up a bottle shard butchering my hair.

I step back into the open and say "It makes me seem a little different looking".

Then run off into the crowd of cells.

Cells At Work/Cancer Cell x Red Blood Cell ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now