Chapter 3

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The Killer T's walk around with me but something about the one next to me is... Familiar.

I poke his shoulder and ask " that you?" he gulps nervously with a blush and says "Shush! Just keep your eyes forward I'm working!"

One of the Killer T's says "Okay little red one, what did the cell look like that you were talking to?" I imagine the male cell:

Deathly white skin, extraordinary green eyes, an oddly attracting smirk, white spikey hair, different coloured veins across his body and a ripped open shirt that dangled over his shoulders and chest.

Then I remembered what he said "What's a little red blood cell like you doing here?" and how he whispered in my ear the last sentence "See you another time sweetie".

I reply "He had white hair, white skin, green eyes, coloured... Things on him that looked like veins" the Killer T nods and says "That's the Cancer Cell, so you did meet him" I nod, T who's on my other side says "Either he's himself now or another disguise.."

Another Killer T smiles bigly and says "Well! We have no need for you anymore little red one! You can go back to work!" T bends down to my eye level and says "What he means to say is thank you for helping, and... I wanted to say... Would you like to walk around the heart sometime?"

I stutter "O-oh! That's awfully sweet but we still have only just met techniqually, I would love to but I want to get to know you more before I do so, and also... We are two different cells, I don't think in the body rules we even can..." T blushes immediately and grabs my hands blurting "I wasn't saying we should immediately multiply!" I yelp "Wait! What! That's not-!"

Killer T's around us start cat calling and murmuring, one of T's buddies says "Damn, I didn't know you were into abnormal blood cells, not even that a red blood cell!" T hisses "Shut up! Anyways I understand Y/n, I'll give us time to get to know eachother more".

I nod and we zip away from eachother flustered, I say "Well! I have to get back to work I'll see you later T" he replies "Uh- yes, yes I'll see you later, whatever.."
My red blood cell friend tackles me into a hug at the kidney and says "Ah! Y/n! What happened, I heard you met a Cancer Cell!?" I pull her arms off me and say "Yeah I did" she asks "What happened!? How are you alive?"

I say "Well... He kind of... He had me against a wall and talked to me, I think he could of killed me but he didn't have enough time, the Killer T's came and found me". My friend shouts "He had you against a wall!? He just talked to you!?" I look at her oddly and ask "Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

My friend says "I think he likes you" I growl "What! We only met for like two seconds!" my friend smirks "How did he look at you?" I reply shyly "He seemed very amused with me" she gasps and says "The danger of this body wants to multiply with you!" I snap "No! What? We are different cells!"

My friend steps in "Yes but, Cancer Cells don't follow the rules do they, they take what they want and do what they can to destroy the body" I step back with sudden fear and hit my back into someone's chest.

Familiar hands take my shoulders and a familiar voice coughs and says "Uh... Hi again" I look up and see N.C, I say "Oh hi!" My friend smirks again and says "Well it seems Y/n is getting all the guys despite being abnormal, I'll leave you two alone for now" she skips off.

I turn around to N.C and say "So, how are you today?" he replies "I'm fine, just doing my job until I found you" I say "Oh! I didn't mean to disturb you or anything, sorry" he says "Oh no it's fine, I personally wanted to see you".

I smile and say "Why's that?" he says "I saw some of the cancer clumps in the membranes and you're the first person I know to come to, can you help me get the Killer T's or the Natural Cell?" I nod and take his hand.

We walk the body till we find the Killer T group that I was just with, I shout "Hey! We need you're help!" The Killer T's seem surprised to see me again, one of them with slicked back hair says "What's up little red? Got a lead?" I say "Kind of, apparently there is cancer clumps in the kidney" N.C steps in "Only small cancer clumps we need your help to stop them."

T steps through the group and looks at me worriedly, he says "Alright then let's go, if there are cancer clumps most likely the Cancer Cell is nearby!" N.C thinks 'Oh you have no idea'.

I run with the Killer T's and N.C by my side, we find ourselves in the membranes, Natural Cell is there grunting as she stabs one of the parasites, she spots us and says "Help me!" the Killer T's react and help her attack the thick grossly white moving clumps.

Eventually the clumps were slaughtered and white ooze dripped off the walls of the membranes, I try not to gag. Natural says "The Cancer Cell must be nearby, you two!" her eyes narrow at N.C, she says "Walk with me, T! You're coming too" everyone else dispatches to go back to their jobs.

We walk the dark membranes in silence, then Natural says "The Cancer cell should be in here somewhere".

I feel slim long fingers slip inbetween mine, I look at N.C and smile, I ask "Are you scared?" He replies "Of course I am, there's Cancer running through this body and either of us could die", T at the front of us walking with Natural growls lowly at our intertwined hands.

Cells At Work/Cancer Cell x Red Blood Cell ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now