Chapter 6

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I jump up from the table hitting my knee under it causing both guys to look at me startled. I run up to the abnormal blood cell and say "Hey! You!" the cell stops confused, I say "You look like me".

He examines me and I do the same with him, I jump and say "You're an abnormal too!" he says "I can't believe it, why do I have to see your stupid face again?" T stomps over and says "Hey! Cut it out you! She's just happy she isn't the only one!"

I say "I knew I've seen you around the body before, you gave me hope to keep going because you were like me, is there more of us?" the abnormal growls "What do you think".

I say "Well do you know where they are?" the abnormal says "They are spread out across the body trying to do their job unlike what you're doing right now". He storms off and T ruffles my hair and says "You okay

I nod and say "Yeah I'm fine, that guy was just a jerk". Normal hands me my drink that I left on the table. I turn to the two men and say "Well if there is more of my kind then... Can we go find them?" Normal replies "Of course we can Y/n-chan, but shouldn't we worry about the Cancer Cell right now?"

T says "Natural told us to relax and leave the worrying to her. I think we have time to find other abnormal cells".


We try to push through massive crowds, so many cells are gathered and moving. I almost get knocked over there is millions of cells packed together.

I shout "T! Normal!" noticing they are miles away from me getting knocked over and pushed.

I see my red blood cell friend shove her way towards me, I smile and say "Casey! What's going on?" Casey gets elbowed in the back and she curses, she says "Apparently it's not good!" I ask "Yeah! I heard that from a few cells but do you know what's happening!"

Casey shouts "Apparently there is a tummy bug! Everyone's freaking out about it but I don't understand why" over the crowd enough for me to hear. We push and shove our way against the crowd to a clearing huffing and puffing.

Casey and I suddenly scream when a disgusting bug launches at us. A blade rips through it's neck and its corpse tumbles on the ground.

A male white blood cell looks back at us and asks "Are you two unharmed?" we both nod hugging eachother.

Casey stutters terrified "T-thank you sir.." The White Blood Cell stares down at me and points his blood covered blade towards me, he says "You won't be able to be cured"

I reply "Excuse me?" he says "Treated. You can't be treated of being an abnormal cell." I ask "What are you saying?"

White Blood Cell says clamly "Did you not hear what I just said? You can't return back to a normal red blood cell".

I look at the floor in shock, he takes my elbow and helps me up. Casey growls "How dare you say that about my friend! We will find a cure just you wait!"

White Cell says "It's impossible" Casey steps back a bit holding my hand, she starts firing up and yells "You don't know that!" he retorts "I do, ask any other cell and I think you know that too miss".

He walks off. Casey hugs me and says "Don't listen to him dear, we will fix you, okay?" I reply "Yeah..." and hug her back.

Killer T and N.C meet up with us and T says "Jeez how did you two survive that?" I reply "Casey found me" Casey smirks and picks me up lifting me high off the ground saying "Hell yeah I did!" I yelp in fright and say "Put me down!"

She plops me down on my feet and I sigh in relief. N.C asks "So Casey, who are you to little red here?" Casey rests a hand on my head and says "I was her original teacher in the bone marrow, not to forget she is my friend too!"

T says surprised "You're Y/n's elder?" Casey huffs and mumbles grumpily looking away "I wouldn't call myself an 'elder'..."

She sighs dramatically and says "Well I need to go back to work, hope to see you in the kidneys sometime eh Y/n?" I reply with stars in my eyes "Okay! See you soon Casey!" waving to her as she leaves.

N.C says "You really look up to her don't you? It seems all red blood cells have teachers from the bone marrow" I nod energetically.


I'm on my own reading the instructions I was given to get oxygen from the lungs. I am in the capillaries around the alveoli.

I stop and say looking at a door "This should be it" I knock on the door and open, no one's in there.

I enter and collect the oxygen which sits in a big cardboard box, I then realize that I forgot to get a cart and curse myself.

I walk out with the big box and kick the door shut, I put the box on the floor and check my instructions 'Bring to the kidney'.

I sigh and look at the box with my hands pressing my back in to crack it, I say "That's a long way to carry this".

A blade sinks into the wall beside me, I huff and puff my eyes wide.

The air is silent, I look at the blade and see it belongs to a white blood cell.

The same male white blood cell from earlier walks towards me with a cold expression.

He says in a tone "Mutations don't belong in the body", I ask "Are you...talking to me?" He snaps "Who else bitch?"

He rips the blade out of the wall and says "Did you know mutated red blood cells are being exterminated lately?"

Cells At Work/Cancer Cell x Red Blood Cell ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now