Ode to Family

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  • Dedicated to To most of my family! Luv you!!!

~Wrote Odes in English, this is my personal ode, my Antigone ode will be posted soon. Got a 32/35 on this, teacher commented powerful voice, what do you think?~

My dearest family,

How can I write something so respectful and great

To people who don't even meet

The definition.

Isn't family supposed to be about love?


You know, good stuff?

But all you do is make sadness.



You are full of lies,

Meant to protect but all you do is


I don't understand why you do it.

How you do it.

The Secrets.

Who wants to lie to their children?


Nieces and Nephews?

Yet somehow you manage.

And we as children don't understand.

We hide under tables like soldiers from bullets.

Only our bullets hurt worse.

Because we will always feel the pain,

But never die.

So here is to you,

you retched family.

I can respect you.


Because something that makes someone feel so weak.



Is worthy on my applause.

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