back to reality - part 2

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I have no room for complications. Specially traitorous asshole complications.

The doctor coughs gently at her desk. Finally realizing he is staring at me, he shakes off the whirlwind of emotions and squares his shoulders. Assuming a blank expression, he walks purposely towards me.

"Well, knowing you, I don't see the need for any preamble. I will place my hands on either side of your head, on your temples, then I will touch my forehead to yours. It will be... Um, what's the word?"

"Peculiar, perplexing, weird, disorienting?" The doctor speaks from her chair—obvious disgust in her voice. Whatever was about to happen. She wasn't a fan.

"What's her problem? Jealous girlfriend?" I raised a teasing eyebrow at him. He has to hide a smirk, ducking his head.

"Hardly Zea. She just hates anything she doesn't understand."

"Hey, none of my business. It looks like it's your problem." I can't hide my smug smile.

I am just screwing with him, but it lightens the awkward tension that had remained after his weird stare.

"Ugghh. Seriously. It's rude to communicate telepathically in front of those who can't. You do know that, right?"

I roll my eyes. She is jealous. What is wrong with females. Now, if she is jealous because she wants to speak telepathically too, that I can sympathize with. Jealous over Ufrik is silly because she can have him.

Granted, in hindsight, we are just silently staring at each other almost nose to nose, smirking and snickering.

I can see how that would be misinterpreted. It almost makes me burst out laughing at the absurdity of it all. Instead, I just give Ufrik a knowing look and decide to get things moving.



He places his hands on my head, and with one last intense look into my eyes, he brings his forehead to mine.

What happens, I can't explain. The best way to describe it is that I enter Ufrik's mind. Not just a connection, I am not just aware of his presence or thoughts. I feel his emotions, see his memories and relive moments of his life with him.

The Doctor had been right. This is perplexing, to say the least.

In turn, I feel Ufrik inside my mind too. Not sure how else to describe it. If you could be mind raped, this is how you would do it.

Ufrik seems to have some control, but he is struggling. I feel his emotions, so I know his current frustration level is high.

"Zea. Relax. Please. And stop sifting through my mind. I will focus on the memories you need to see. Shit woman! You are a lot stronger than I expected. I should have known. I need you to give me control here."

Easier said than done. It goes against every fibre of my being. Never give up control over to anyone. It is a code I have.

Nevertheless, he said this was the easiest way to explain. What is the worst that can happen? Will he see my deepest darkest fear? Been there, done that. Fuck it.

"I will try."

I focus on relaxing, letting Ufrik come into my mind. I stop probing him, and in turn, he can bring me the memories I need to see.

Like a living movie, my mind lights up with a million images. At first, it makes no sense. All messy and erratic. Slowly they start to come together, merging and a movie, in fast forward by a few tics, started to play out before me.

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