realisation & reunion

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Ufrik just finished telling me we need to escape. He hadn't been able to tell me more. The doctor decided that our time was up. I think she is nervous about our mind speech.

What I had initially mistaken as jealousy, I am beginning to think, is nervous agitation. I wouldn't be surprised if communicating telepathically isn't even allowed here. So by her letting Ufrik come here means she either really likes him, or he has more pull wherever the hell we are than he wants to let on.

But what has me severely confused is why we need to "escape."

I didn't get long to ponder it, though. The doc had shuffled Ufrik out faster than I could blink.

I had listened as Ufrik gave her a heartfelt thanks, then some words were spoken too low for me to hear without concentrating, and I couldn't focus right then.

Even now, I still feel remnants of Ufrik's emotions inside me. Not necessarily unpleasant, but it's adding to my confusion.

What I feel the most is an overwhelming sense of urgency and fear. He is deathly afraid people will learn what he knows about me. Whatever the stars, that is. He and I need some serious time alone to talk.

"Alright, Zea. My turn."

The sound of the doc's voice nearly throws me off my bed. Stars. My hand goes to where my heart should be now that it resides in my throat.

I need to get my head screwed on straight. That, or I need a nap. Usually, people cannot sneak up on me like that. Ever!

My hand still gripping my chest in some useless effort to slow my erratic heart, I take a deep breath. Realizing I am being rather childish, I centre myself and slow my heart rate properly. Like I have always been able to do.

Blacking out in the Game erased my years of military training and natural common sense. It seems—time to fix that. But first, I need to address this mad female who claims to be my doctor.

"Seriously, now you try to kill me?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

She tries unsuccessfully to hide a smirk. Well, if nothing else, hopefully, she's in a better mood now. Ufrik had made her edgy.

"Sorry. I guess you would have a lot on your mind. The Commander had said you had been in the Game when you had your mental break. I can't imagine-"

"Woah! What the? Mental break? Seriously? Thought you didn't know what happened to me?" Was she trying to piss me off?

I must have put on my mean face. She backed up a couple of steps, hands raised in front of her defensively. I could see the telltale signs of fear dance across her eyes.


I don't need her to be a scared little rabbit right at the moment. Does she know about my power? I feel my head cock to the side as I analyze her.

Once again, I regret having integrity and morals. It would be easy to open my Eye and find out what she knows with a telepathic probe.

However, that would be unkind... and rude. So I need to do it this the old-fashioned way. Still, just for shits, I open my Eye to watch her aura. At least I will know if she is lying to me. Nothing wrong with that.

"I didn't mean anything by it. It... it... Ummm" The poor female stutters like I have a gun to her head. I am not that scary. Am I?

"Doc, seriously. Calm down. I am not going to eat you. If you didn't notice, I am kind of bedridden at the moment." I wave a hand gesturing to my prone state.

Honestly, I am not sure I even have the strength to wiggle my little toes right now. It takes all my effort to lift my arm as I did now. Granted, I don't feel like making this confession to the doc. Call me overly cautious but admitting how weak I am feels stupid.

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