seriously? - part 1

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We have been on Earth now for two days and still haven't found a way into the tunnels under the barren city.

I double-checked Ufrik's notes and the map he had marked, yet for some reason, the entrance I remember him saying was the best chance at getting in is gone. I can't find it on the map or by drone.

It should have been there. Granted, I never ventured out of the ship when I'd been here before. Damn it.

Ufrik could have made it up. I have no to know. What if he had been keeping me here long enough for the mercs to arrive?

I lean back in the uncomfortable chair I sit in, in the common room. Britt and I are going over the area again from the map the drones helped us make. Using the holo-disc to see the map in 3D above the table, Britt is marking all the potential entrances that still need to be checked.

We decided to forget the entrances Ufrik had marked and instead use our common sense and experience.

Britt and I have been to many cities on many different planets. Britt is also exceptionally good at finding hidden entrances to secrete tunnels or passageways. I swear he talks to rocks or the dirt.

"I think that should just about cover it." Britt looks happy with our progress, even though I am frustrated.

"So now what?"

"Now I suggest we have something to eat, and if you are done being mad at me for not disobeying orders, maybe enjoy some downtime." A small suggestive smile tugs at his lips.

I try not to smile, but there is no point in being mad forever. Britt is Britt. I can accept him, or not. If I am honest with myself, I wouldn't respect him as much as I do if he was a different person.

"Fine. But you run the dish recycler after  we are done eating." I chuckle when his face falls a little.

The night goes by smoothly, and I actually find sleep comes to me easily. When I think about it, the only night I can ever remember sleeping peacefully without the aid of booze or pills was when I slept next to Britt.

Maybe it's the sex, or perhaps it's Britt, I don't know. Or it's because I feel safe. Either way, I close my eyes and let the darkness take me, knowing I won't be haunted by dreams or uncontrolled energy-bending episodes in my sleep as long as I am next to my best friend.

In the morning, I roll out of bed before Britt and hop into the sanitizer. I throw on a clean pair of clothes and head to the common room.

Syndicate suddenly pops up on the holo-disc we had left on the table.

Stars. That female can go anywhere. Wait, I just referred to a program as having an actual gender. That's weird.

Forgetting the fact my ship's A.I. has made me think of her as a person and not a program, I realize something only needs to be connected to the ship's main computer for her to access it. Makes sense.

She is even better looking in 3D. Maybe she needs an upgrade. Why doesn't the ship have hologram tech anyway?

"Good morning Marshal. May I have a word before you depart for the day?"

"Of course, Syndicate. Something wrong with the ship?"

"No. Everything is running at top efficiency. There is something I wish to tell you."

"OK. Shoot." Ok, this is the weirdest thing I had ever done.

My ship's A.I. wants to talk to me about something other than the ship or our mission. Maybe she even wants to have a heart-to-heart.

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