revelation - part 1

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So this is a fucking bloody mess. I am sitting in a large cavernous room, staring at the ceiling. My feet are propped up against one of the many tables, fingers laced behind my head.

My calloused fingers absently rub the smoothness of my bald head. The sensation is becoming a source of comfort in an odd way.

I am either in some sort of lecture hall or a giant-ass meeting room. Either way, I enjoy the echo. I haven't been in a room like this since the Academy. Some crazy things went down in a room like this.

Britt stands at the end of one of the tables, standing tall, not quite in a salute but not relaxed. It hurts to look at him, but that is Britt. The soldier.

Just when I can't stand the waiting anymore, almost slamming my feet down and stomping away, I hear them—whispering in conversation while walking our way.

The Orikai Masters are coming. Something similar to anxiety pools in my stomach, making me shift slightly in my chair.

I stretch out my stiff muscles. They need more use than what they are getting. Britt hasn't said anything to me since we boarded. She is secure in the Orikai's med bay.

I am not sure what is about to happen, and if I bothered to take the time and think about it, I don't think I would know which way I want this to go.

Do I want them to send me back to Armada to complete the mission? Completing this mission would mean it's finally over. But, I probably would never see Her again.

My guts twist just at the thought. It can't be over. Whatever I need to do regarding Her doesn't feel done. I don't think I can just walk away anymore. Fuck!

What the hell is it about Her that makes me lose my cool. Never before in my history of Armada employment have I ever wanted to go against direct orders this badly. Sometimes I am an ass for the sake of being an ass, but this is different.

Just as I digest this revelation, my heart jumps into my throat, choking me. Without even realizing what I am doing, I am on my feet and standing at attention as I watch Sica walk into the lecture, all with Dr. Nekkal.

What the hell would the United Galactic Secretary of Defense and the Chief of the United Galactic Shield for Endangered Species be doing on an Orikai spacecraft?

They are supposed to be helping run Armada. Aren't they?

Standing at attention, fully alert now, I find I have a million questions. I peak a glance at Britt, but as usual, he shows no emotion and stands unmoved.

I hope he will look at me and let me know he is just as confused. Don't ask me why but I don't want to be alone in feeling left out of the loop just now.

However, he doesn't even so much as blink. He stays staring straight ahead as the small group approaches him first.

"Lieutenant General! At ease."

Britt relaxes his stance slightly but stays staring straight ahead. He doesn't do 'at ease' very well.

He probably is just counting the seconds until he can run as far away from me as possible. Or at least that is the feeling I am getting from him.

"Lieutenant General, we have looked over your report, and we thank you for your diligence in keeping both the objective and the Marshal safe. You have done this Universe a great service, soldier. More than you will probably ever understand."

Sica seems genuinely impressed with Britt. Who wouldn't be? The guy is a model soldier—a bloody boy scout.

However, she sounds almost sad as she continues, "Unfortunately, General, we can no longer use your services here. You are dismissed and free to return to your station at Armada and await your next deployment."

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