chapter 14

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As the days Go by i see more and more bruises apear from addison, all along my arms, legs and face. she doesnt stop. i can't remember the last tome me and addison had a good day together. or the last time that i was happy.

I usually cover all the bruises up with beas makuep that she forgot but today was different. Today I was running away.

I grab my passport and sneak out of the house with a bag full of stuff.
In it was my phone, charger, spray paint, some snacks, a picture of me, derek and Addison and a small stuffed animal i was given by derek as a baby. Luckily the airport is down the road so i go to the airport and get on a flight to Seattle.

Hours later i arrive in Seattle. "No regrets" i whisper to myself. As i walk off the plane. I hesitantly go onto the Lyft app and get a ride to Seattle grace mercy west

The Lyft driver pulls up and i get in the car. "Almost there, i will make it"' i think looking at the bruises on my arms and legs, feeling the new ones throb painfully and watch the old ones slowly fade little by little. I look at the cuts on my wrist. Having flashbacks of when i made these cuts

Flash back
Im sitting on the bathroom floor, tears rolling down my face and a blade in my hand. Addisons hurt-full words go through my Head
And for each one of them, a cut is made

"worthless" i whisper, digging the blade into the top of my wrist

"Selfish" i whisper bringing the blade right under the last cut, cutting deeper this time

"Stupid" i whispers, cutting even deeper, watching the blood seep from the 3 cuts I've made

I notice the bleeding getting heavy after i cut a little to deep and i just watch,
Not caring if i die, nor caring if the scars are permanent. Because I deserve the pain I deserve it all

Addison bangs on the door to tell me i have to get to school. I jump up and wash off the cuts with warm water, then i wrap the cuts in medical gaws.

End of flashback

I let a tear slip out and realize I'm at Seattle grace. I pay the driver and walk into the hospital to find dr. alex Karev

i look around the hospital until i bump into derek
"derek!" I say
"Alex? What are you doing here? Are those bruises??" He questions
"Long story" i sigh
"Oh... alex." Derek hugs me gently realizing it was Addison who did this
"Come on lets treat these bruises and we can talk more" he says in a soft tone
I nood and follow him into a private room
"So kid, tell me what happened" he asks while his best friend, mark treats my bruises.
"It was all going fine in-till Beatrice left, Addison started getting drunk. Sometimes even high. She always apologized to me saying she cant control it and she just misses Beatrice. After that it got really bad. She started hitting me a-lot and insulting me. Im afraid of her so i ran away."

"And uhm. I think i might need stitches" i say pulling up my sleeve  revealing the fresh cuts on my wrist, they couldn't be more then a day old

Derek looks at my wrist with a sad, sorrowful expression on his face. "Why'd you do this" he asks almost crying
"Im sorry.." Alex apologizes
"Don't say sorry. This is not ur fault" mark reminds me

sorry this is short! Im running out of ideas🤷
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