familar faces

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Bea POV:

I stand there and look at my asleep secret brother at the doorway. He looks terrible, and I can barely see his face through all of the junk on his head. I can see that we have the same slightly hooked nose, though he has more than me. He has the same ebony black hair, although his hair was curly. He had freckles all over his face, a trait which she did not possess (Granted she never went outside to get any). His mouth was curved slightly into a frown. His frown deepens as he wakes up from a nightmare, from the looks of it. I walk up to him and smile calmingly.

"Hey, it's okay, you're okay. Don't worry." I let my arm reach out to rub his shoulder comfortingly.

"Who... are you?" He asks, confused.

"I'm Beatrice Rose Shepherd... I'm your sister." I laugh unintentionally at the last sentence, still not believing the words in my mouths.

"I might've hit my head harder than I thought because I don't remember a sister." He jokes. I smile. Maybe he's not that bad. Maybe he's just as confused and angry as me.

"Yea... our parents kinda kept it a secret. I'm not sure why. I kinda ran away as soon as I heard it." I look down and pull my hand away.

"I can't run away. I wish I could." He gestures to the wires.

"I'm sorry." I swallow harshly, trying to break the uncomfortable silence.

"It's not your fault." He shrugs.

"How did it..." I begin, but then feel a slight tensing, so I stop. "Sorry. Shouldn't have asked."

"N-no. It's fine. I just um... got in a car accident with my mom's friend Cooper." I nod slowly and lull my head back tiredly.

"Why does crying make you tired?" I ask rhetorically.

"Why were you crying?" He asks.

"I just found out I had a secret brother. And that he could've died. And I almost-" I stop, mentally cursing myself for almost letting my suicide attempt slip.

"You almost what?" He asks, sitting up intrigued.

"Nothing. Um... just nothing." I lie unconvincingly. "What was it about?" He tenses. "I get them too. All of the time."

"I..." He wants to tell me. He does. He doesn't trust me.

"It's okay. You don't have to..." I mumble the last part uncomfortably.

"I was in a school shooting. It was a while ago, but I still... I still see the gun. I still see the guy's face. It's stupid." He says.

"What makes you say that?" I ask, confused.

"I was always told that I guess..." He trails off.

"It's not invalid. It's perfectly fine to be scared of something in your past. Even if it was a long time ago. I still see my bully crushed by a bus, dying. I still see my ex shooting me." I tell him. I'm not sure why I'm telling him all of this. He just seems trustworthy.

"I'm sorry that happened to you." I smile at his sudden kindness and understanding. "Do you ever feel like... you don't wanna live anymore?" He looks up at me, vulnerable. I take a deep shaky breath.

"Yeah, Alex. I do." I try to keep my tears help up.

"What? Did I say something?" He asks.

"No. No, you didn't. I just... I got discharged from attempted suicide today." I say quietly and quickly.

"Oh..." he mumbles softly, not sure what to say next. I grab his hand and squeeze it in solidarity.

I see my dad and Addie as they walk into Alex's room. Alex squeezes my hand, almost in fear. I look at the cold redhead in front of us in confusion. My dad stops when he sees me.

"Beatrice, thank god. I thought you-" He couldn't finish his thought, because he realized that Alex and I had met. "So you two have met."

"Uh... yeah. We did. What's the news on Cooper?" I ask, changing the subject quickly. I let go of Alex's hand after giving it another squeeze.

"I'm so sorry. Cooper had a subdural hematoma, you know what that means? It's a bleed in his brain. We didn't realize it until it had already done too much damage. Cooper is dead." I stare at my dad in shock, and even though I want to cry, I will myself into staying as emotionless as possible. I don't remember much of the man, but I remember him being very kind to me. I look over to Alex to see him sobbing softly. I stand up and walk up to my dad.

"I blame you," I say emotionlessly, walking out of the room.

Bea walks out of the hospital after getting dressed into normal clothes and sits on the bench by the door.

she then sees a familar person walk up to her

"sofia! hi its been years!"she says throwing her arms around sofia

-Sofia and bea are around 14 in this story but it takes place is around season 6 if ur confused -and im also reffering to sofia mark, callie and arizonas kid-

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