Sofia Carson : Savior

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"Do you want a another drink Mi Amor?" Your wife asks you.

You and sofia had recently got married and were enjoying a nice honeymoon in Hawaii.

"That would be amazing darling." You said smiling at her "I'll be back asap." Sofia replies quickly hoping off the beach chair.

"What's a pretty girl like yourself doing sitting here by herself?" Some guy asks sitting down in sofia beach chair. "I'm not by myself actually." You reply uncomfortably.

"Well that person must be an idiot to leave you here by yourself, I'm Tim by the way. What's your name?" He says smirking.

"Y/n" you say trying not to make eye contact. "A pretty name for a pretty girl. Do you maybe wanna get drinks later?" Tim asks moving closer to you and putting a hand on your thigh making you clear your throat uncomfortably.

"She's not interested in you." A voice you know all to well replies, you look up at sofia and smile silently thanking her for saving you.

"And who are you to make decisions for her?" Tim asks angrily. "Her wife now if you don't mind that's my chair." Sofia replies smiling sarcastically. "Sweet thing are you really gonna let her talk to me like this?" He asks looking at you and gripping onto your thigh harder.

"First off buddy get your dirty pig hands off my wife,second I told you already she's taken get that in your head you sick fuck!" Sofia practically screams at him.

"Look lady I don't know how you think you are but you do not get to talk to me like that." Tim says standing up and facing sofia.

"Ok ok stop, Tim I'm flattered by your interest in me but Like she said I'm taken so please could you just leave me alone." You say smiling at Tim before he gives you a cold stare and walks away.

"And you, ok I get it you wanna protect me and thank you for doing so but you can't just go around calling people names!" You shout at her causing many strangers to look at you clearly judging.

"Are you serious? I was just trying to get that guy away from you, he was touching you and from my point of view you looked extremely uncomfortable. So I'm the bad guy for just trying to help you?" Sofia shouts back causing more people to stare.

" I never once said I wasn't thankful for you coming to help, nor did I say you were the bad guy. Im just saying there were other ways you could of handled it instead of calling him a sick fuck Sofia!" You say putting your head in your hands.

"Oh other ways to handle the situation please, cause you could've handled it so much better. God you can never stand up for yourself can you? All the time when guys hit on you all you do is smile and act as of you aren't uncomfortable who saves you then? Huh yeah ME, all the Fucking time I have to save you from these guys. We live in a world where you can't just smile and hope they go away y/n! You need to get that in your head and wake up"

Sofia rarely shouts and never that bad, it didn't make it better that you were in public and that at any time someone could start filming and post it on social media. You took the words she said in and tears started forming in your eyes. You can't even look her in the eye.

"Y/n I'm sorry that was harsh please don't cry please." Sofia begs crouching in front of you and putting her hands on your knees.

"It's fine,it's whatever I just- I'm tired I think im gonna head back to the hotel you stay enjoy yourself." You say gently pushing her off you and standing up to walk back to the hotel.

"Oh shit." Sofia mumbles under her breath as you walk away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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