Kaylee bryant : Comic Con

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G!p Kaylee

Kaylee giggled at the sight of your son Oliver's little smile, it was a last minute decision to bring him along with you guys to comic con but you had no other choice. The babysitter canceled cause of family matters and nobody else was available to help take care of him.

"Hey babe should I put him down for a nap while we get ready?" Kaylee asks walking up next to you "Um yeah" you reply nervously "what's wrong?" She asked wrapping her arms around your waste "it's just this was a bad idea, a 4 month old baby backstage. It's insane kaylee what if he starts fussing around or something?"

Kaylee sighs and kisses you "calm down y/n it's gonna be ok" you pull her closer and give her a big hug "I love you" she mumbles into your hair.

You two have been together for almost 8 years all together, you started dating when you guys were thirteen and got married straight out of high school.
Oliver was very unexpected, you two were always safe and never did it without protection. The plan was to only have kids at 25 or older not 20 and 21. Non the less he's the best thing to ever Happen to the two of you except eachother.

Your little moment is interrupted when Oliver starts to cry "your turn" Kaylee says smirking "I hate you.".

"Here the family is ugh look how big he's gotten." One of the assistants says "are you sure your ok looking after him for a bit?" Kaylee asks one more time. "Of course he seems really chill." She says making you and Kaylee nod.

"I have a question for y/n and Kaylee." A girl around the age of 18 says "how did you guys meet and when did Kaylee think was the right time to propose?" She asks smiling at the two of you.

"we met at a audition when we were 10 and 9, I remember Kaylee started crying cause she didn't wanna leave after her turn was over." You say Making Kaylee blush and turn away.

"your mean" she says pouting "it's the truth,You were a big crybaby till 15!" The whole crowd and the rest of the legacies cast starts to laugh "well when y/n was 7 her mom told me she peeded in a classroom chair cause the teacher said she couldn't go to the bathroom." Kaylee smirks  "and I'd do it again!" You say "but answer the question kaylee! About the proposal I wanna now." Danielle screams at Kaylee making you laugh.

"I always knew she was the girl I was gonna marry I guess it was a matter of time and i felt we were both more then ready to settle down not kids wise though that was a big surprise but yeah I love her and Oliver more then anything." You kiss her passionately whispering a soft 'I love you to'.

A few questions later a boy stands "I saw on Kaylee's story that Oliver was here can we see him?" You look at Kaylee who looks at you "should we?" She asks you "ok".

The assistant brings Oliver out and hands him over to you with a smile before running off stage. Oliver yawns which makes the cast and crew let out a few 'awww's.

"he's a little tiered he didn't have a nap this morning." Kaylee smiles and kisses his forehead softly "he's so small but yet so big." Jenny says "he's so cute I just wanna squish his little cheeks." Quincy mumbles but everyone ends up hearing "I don't understand how I got so lucky to have both a beautiful wife and handsome little son" Kaylee tells everyone "I love you and I love you" you look down at a now sleeping Oliver in your arms and back up at Kaylee smiling and thinking about how lucky you are

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