You come out to him-DDM

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Your age: 17

"Did you tell him?" My girlfriend of two years asked me once again.
"No, I just can't, what if he doesn't want me anymore or throws me out." I said
"Well, besides that you know this will never happen, I'm sure we would find something then. Just tell him already." She said
"Ok, I'll do it later." I said pecking her on the lips.
"Tell me how it goes." She said, I nodded and got out of her car. I walked into the house to be greeted by the smell of noodles with tomato sauce, one of my favourites.
"Hey dad." I said, hugging him.
"Hi, sweetheart, how was practice?" He asked
"It was good, I have a match on Saturday and after that we're invited to the team party." I said, I was a boxer since I was 11 and never did anything else.
"Cool. But for now let's eat." He said, I nodded and grabbed two plates, filled our food on it and walked into the living room.
"Do you want something to drink?" Das asked
"Yeah sure, what do we have there?" I asked
"Well water, wine, beer and Limonade." He replied.
"A beer please." I said
"Sure." He said. He walked into the living room with two beer bottles and an opener.
Many of you would ask, why I drink beer together with my dad, well he's super cool and chill. Since he's twice my age and like a teenager himself he's one of those fathers who aren't that strict. After we both took a sip, I decided it was time to tell him my secret.
"Daddy?" I asked
"I kinda have to tell you something?" I said, but it sounded more like a question
"Please don't tell me your pregnant." He said
"No." I yelled immediately
"No, I'm not. I wanted to tell you this for a long time now, but I never had the balls to." I said
"Well, you're a girl. You don't have one." He chuckled
"That's not the point, anyways, I kinda like girls and boys." I said
"Cool." He said. Cool? I mean yeah, he's not strict or homophobic or something but I thought he would flip at least.
"Cool?" I asked, making sure I heard the right thing.
"Yes. I mean what do you expect for me to do now, flip?" He said
"I don't see why. Love is love so why should I stop you from loving someone?" He said, taking a sip of his beer
"There's more." I told him
"Go on, I'm all ears." He said
"I have a girlfriend." I said slowly.
"Who is it and how long?" He said, like some best friend who wants to know everything
"Lisa and since two years." I said
He always knew Lisa as my best friend, but nothing more
"I fucking knew it." He yelled
"You knew?" I was a bit shocked, but also really happy he wasn't mad at me.
"Yeah kinda, you aren't good at acting." He said.
"Well dad, not everyone is as perfect as you." I smiled at him.
"That's sweet." He said.
"So it's ok for you when I go to that party with Lisa?" I asked.
"As long as you use protection. I'm fine with that. But can we drink all together please?" He said/ asked
"Eww, dad, I'm not going to have sex, and yeah probably." I said, in reality we're gonna have sex for sure, but we don't have the need to tell everyone.
"I'm happy you told me, even though it was kinda late." He chuckled.
"Sorry." I muttered
"Oh don't be like that, I love you, no matter what." He said, I looked up at him and went to hug him. He was definitely the best dad a girl could ever ask for, and I wouldn't change the world for another.

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