First word-BSM

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Your age: 1

You just turned 1 and were at the age where you could start talking at any moment now.
Your brother, Harry, wanted you to say something but pushed you a bit too much.
You lived with him, since your mother, Anne, passed away after giving birth to you.
"Say Harry." He said once again, you just looked at him and started to giggle. One of the sweetest sounds Harry has ever heard.
"Oh for fucks sake. It's not complicated." He said again, groaning in frustration
"H.A.R.R.Y, Harry" he spelled
"Ha-Haw-Hawwy." You said
"Yes that's right, Hawwy. I'm so proud of you, baby." He said. He picked you up from the floor and sat you in his lap. Your cheek against his chest.
"I love you soo much." Harry said.
"Luw too." You said again.
That day, you made him the luckiest guy on earth by saying your brothers name.

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