You get your period-DDM

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Your age: 16 (it isn't your first)

You woke up with cramps and a damp feeling between your legs. You've got your period.
You got up and walked into the bathroom. You did your business and changed into new clothes. You walked back into your room to see your dad changing your sheets.
"What are you doing?" You asked
"Changing my daughters sheets." He replied in a duh tone.
"I can see that, but I didn't ask you for that to do." You said.
"Yeah, but I know how you feel when you have your period, so I suggest you go relax in the living room, I'll finish here and then we can have a day in, ok?" He asked, you nodded, kissed him on the cheek and walked off.
You weren't embarrassed of your dad seeing that. It's normal, because most women have it.

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