He babysits you-BSM

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Your age: 5

Your parents went out for the night and Harry offered to take care of you. You both were happy that you could spend time together. You're really close, even though your age difference is big.
"Harry, can we watch Finding Nemo?" You asked
"Sure, let me clean this up first." Harry said. You nodded and walked into the living room.
After 5 minutes Harry came into the room and put the film in.
"Harry?" You asked
"Yes, babe?"
"Did you know, you're the best big brother?" You asked again
"Am I?" You nodded.
"And your the best sister, but don't tell Gem." Harry chuckled.
After another 30 minutes into the film your eyes got heavy and slowly drifted to a peaceful sleep in your brothers arms.
Once Harry noticed, he pulled you closer to him onto his chest and drifted off to sleep himself.

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