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Your age: 25

You both walked down the aisle towards your soon to be husband, Chris.
As you looked up at your dad, he gave you a sad smile and nod as a reminder to do the right thing.
Your dad knew you were forced into that marriage and relationship by your mother. After he found out she forced you to do this here all, he got a divorce. You looked behind your father and saw the person you never wanted to see again. Lilly. You don't call her your mother anymore.
You stand opposite of Chris and the Priester started to speak
"Do you, Chris Klark, take Y/N Styles as your wife, love her in bad and good times, through poor and wealth?" He asked Chris
"I do" he said, looking at you
"Do, Y/N Styles, take Chris Klark as your husband, love him in bad and good times, through poor and wealth?" He asked you
"I don't." You whispered
"Sorry I didn't catch that?" He asked
"I don't. I said I don't." You said louder and clearer.
"Y/N!" Lilly yelled
"What? What do you want? Ruin my life even more? Or dad's life? Didn't you do enough already?" You yelled back
"Don't talk to me like that or?" She said getting closer
"Or what, you'll beat me in front of everyone?" You challenged
"Don't make me." She said slowly
"Don't you dare to speak like that to her. You have no right. You did enough to ruin our life's. Please leave." Your grandma, Anna, yelled standing up too and walking closer to Lilly
"One day, I will get you" she growled
"Everyone please listen. I want you all to know that this woman over there forced me into this relationship and marriage. I didn't want to be here. In a dress in front of the altar. And definitely not with Chris. I like someone else and I know Chris does too, and it wouldn't be fair for all of us here to do something that is so wrong. I'm sorry you came all here for nothing but there isn't a wedding anymore. Thank you for coming though." You said. Your dad came up to you and hugged you
"That was really good how you managed the situation, I'm so proud of you." He said
"Thank you. Without you I would've been married now." You said back
That night you told your crush you liked him and he told you he does too. He asked you out a few times before asking you to be his girlfriend.
Three years later you got married and had already a son together and two sons as well as a girl on the way.

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