⚠️You try to commit suicide-DDM

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Your age: 17
Do not read if you struggle/ struggled with depression, sh and any other kind of mental illnesses!
Your POV

Another cut, another scar. It went on like this for the last three years. Your arms, thighs and stomach were covered in lots of scars.
It started all with one little cut on your thigh, trying out how it would feel. But then it got more and more. First one, then three and now they're so many you can't even count them anymore.
You always managed to hide them, find excuses and lies. You hated it but you're addicted to it. The blades.
They are like best friends, your everything, all you had left. Of course you still had family. It was your dad, your brother and you. Your mum died when we were little. 1 year old to be exact.
You don't remember her well, but your dad, Harry, and Luca (your brother) always told you stories about her, showed photos or played voice messages from her. They made sure you knew her and don't forget about her.
Besides the loss of your mother, you got bullied ever since starting high school. Either it was because of your dad being famous, because you didn't deserve them to be your family, because you are homosexual or because you are a straight A student. It's always something like that. People talking behind your back. Losing most of your friends after they tried to get to your father and you refusing to let them visit him because you knew they would try to get in his pants or bank account.
The hate on Twitter got worse too.
And all together made you cut yourself.
You were so deep in thoughts that you didn't realised your cuts became deeper nor did you heard the front door open.
"Y/N. I'm home." Your dad yelled.
In that moment you didn't even care if he would see you like this, deciding it would be best to end this all. Grabbing a bottle of sleeping pills, popping three or four in your mouth. Grabbing the blade and sliding it across your stomach, making another nasty scar. But this one was bigger and deeper than every other scar.
The blade fell to the floor, as well as you, you felt dizzy and your view got blurry. The door burst open and your dad started yelling for help, dialling 911 or something.
"Don't do this to me, stay please." He begged
"I'm sorry." You managed to get out before darkness came over.

If you want a Happy End, I'll have one here.
It's an extra to this story.

Is the first thing you heard. Were you dead? Or alive? You didn't know. It was all a blur.
You tried to open your eyes but they didn't want to, you tried again and when they finally opened, bright lights blended you. The next thing you knew was that you heard crying. Cryings, you could recognise miles away. Your dad's and Luca's.
One of them held your hand, so you squeezed it. Their head shot up and looked at you with teary, puffy eyes. Eyes that where once full of life and joy. Your dad's.
"Dear god." He said hugging you.
You just started to sob uncontrollably.
"Shh, I got you, you're safe now. Everything's fine." He whispered
I'm so sorry." You sobbed
"Hey it's ok, I'm sorry I never noticed." He said
"We'll fix this. We all, Luca and I." He promised
And they kept that promise and fixed it.

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