Part 3 - Meeting Mob

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After having such a wreck of a "consultation", I vowed to never consult Reigen again, no matter how scared I felt. Settling down for a few days was really all I needed. Getting some bogus neck massage was a big red flag and pretty much convinced me that Reigen was a phony - plus it was kind of creepy, from a stranger who obviously is not a masseuse.

I did think about him, though. He was about my age - what was the deal with lying to me? It's not like I would've told people about it. We could've even been friends. He didn't seem to feel bad for me and didn't seem too remorseful about being the cause of my anxiety.

His office was actually near my job. I biked home using that route once in a while, but I started to pass by a little more often, just out of curiosity. Almost every time, I did see him engaged with a client in his office. If he wasn't, he was usually with some kid that was definitely too old to be his son but didn't look like a brother either.

I guess I was investing a lot of time into studying this guy's life. Waking up in the middle of the night subsided and my neck pain went away. I was just so intrigued about whether or not it was all a gimmick, I debated faking some sort of spiritual trouble just to spy on him. That seemed to be a little too far - I wasn't invested enough to drop money on this.

One night, I scoured the internet for any social media of his. He had a private Facebook for himself, but I wasn't about to add him. Spirits and Such did have some Google reviews, however. A solid 3.5 stars, which was honestly higher than expected. Every good review piqued my interest, like the dozens of claims saying "he removed a ghost from my photos!" -  how was that even possible? It's not that I believed it, it was just so amusing.

Not long after, I was biking along the route towards Spirits and Such and saw a familiar face. That kid with the bowl cut who I always see inside the office. He was sprinting along the sidewalk toward the office and I turned my head to watch him pass... then I wobbled and crashed my bike. The kid rushed over.

"I'm sorry, miss! I'm so sorry, that must've been my fault."

"How would that have been your fault? It's no big deal, I just lost balance on my bike." I got up and brushed the dirt off my legs. One knee was bleeding, but that was my fault for being distracted.

"No, you just fell all of a sudden when I came by, maybe I-" he got quiet. His phone rang. "Hold on master, I accidentally hurt a woman. I'm right outside the office..."

I could've just left, but knowing it was probably Reigen, I lingered. I could hear him yelling on the phone, then hang it up. "I'm sorry if I got you in trouble, it's really fine."

"It's okay." The boy had such a quiet, monotone voice, but it was calming. "I'm not in trouble."

"Mob!" A voice shouted from down the block. "Is everything alright?" Reigen quickly appeared in view. "Oh, it's you. I know her, Mob."

"Wow, you know everyone, master." Mob replied with clear admiration.

"Uh, well, barely." I replied. Why did this little kid idolize him so much? "I'm fine though. Seriously."

"Hey Y/N, if you still don't think this stuff is for real, you can come with us on our job tonight. We're headed to haunted cornfield."

I was immediately filled with fear, despite how ridiculous it sounded. I was easily frightened. "A haunted cornfield?"

"Yeah. Mob here is my apprentice."

"He's..." I wanted to say he's just a child, or ask how old he was, but the kid looked so proud. "He's a very nice boy."

"Here Mob, let's give the non-believer a little break as a favor for knocking her off her bike. Can you carry it back to the office? With your powers?"

Just like that, my bike was floating in the air. I nearly shat myself. I believed I was dreaming for a second. "How is he doing that?"

"I'm an esper." Mob said simply. "I don't use powers against humans, though." He set the bike against the side of the Spirits and Such building effortlessly. "Are you going to come with us?"

"I... yeah, I guess."

~I'm In Love With A Scammer~ | Reigen x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now