Part 5 - Friends?

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Since the "day on the job", I started having the confidence to stop by Spirits and Such to check in on what Reigen and Mob were doing.

They were usually busy when I was on my way from work. That was the same time Mob got out of school and they'd go to do an exorcism or something. I only popped in if I could see them both through the window, so it wasn't much. Maybe one day a week for the past month.

The next time I wanted to stop by, the shutters were closed and the lights were off. I didn't actually text Reigen - we were mostly just good acquaintances, not yet on a texting basis - so  I assumed it was a day off for some personal thing.

But the next day, he was there and Mob wasn't. He looked stressed at his desk when I looked through the window, so I didn't bother.

Two days after, I checked again. Mob wasn't there. Maybe something with school? Reigen was alone, though, so I stepped inside.

"Need something, Y\N?" His tone was way different than usual. Over the past few weeks, I actually thought he started to get excited to see me. Not today.

"No, I was just stopping in like I usually do."

"You don't have to." Reigen almost sounded irritated with me.

"Yeah, well, I just usually like to listen to the stories about your clients, so..."

"We've had a boring week. You can go."

I stood there quietly for a moment.

"It's not like you're paying for a service or anything," Reigen said coldly. "Don't you have any friends, Y/N?"

That shocked me. I thought we were becoming friends. Embarrassed, I made a quick excuse: "I only visit once in a while because I'm usually so busy after work. I'm actually headed out with my friends later tonight, so it's fine." It was a lie. I did have friends, but we didn't hang out that often. I just liked lingering around Spirits and Such.

"That sounds nice." Reigen was totally emotionless. Something had to have happened.

"Where's Mob been?" I asked before walking out the door.

"Doesn't work here anymore. Too busy with school. But look, I don't have time to tell the whole story, I have a client coming in in about 10 minutes."

"Alright..." I got the message and left. Maybe he was bitter about Mob ditching the business for school. He was just a kid, Reigen should've had least had the decency to respect that. And besides that, he didn't consider us to be friends?

"Don't you have any friends, Y/N?" rang in my ears for a bit. He was always a positive, enthusiastic guy - it's not like I knew him that well, but I'd never heard him speak in a tone like that to anyone. It set me off.

From that day, I decided to avoid Spirits and Such entirely. Why embarrass myself? He didn't want me there, apparently. And he had my information if he ever wanted to contact me, or maybe apologize.

Two more weeks passed before I got a notification - I saw his name pop up on my phone, but it was just from Facebook. "It's Reigen Arataka's birthday today. Help him celebrate!"

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