Part 6 - Birthday

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It was Reigen's birthday.

I had been wanting to contact him just to ask what his deal was. It seemed embarrassing to care about his opinion so much when the guy never even texted me. It was clear he wasn't interested - not that I was really interested, anyway. He would have just been an interesting friend to have.

But I did still consider that it was an opportunity to message him.

I toyed with the idea while on my way to work, then all day at work, then on my way home from work...

It was a Friday night and I didn't have any plans. Naturally, this was going to consume my thoughts. I had a glass of wine and sat on the couch with my cat. No, I wouldn't care to message Reigen or see him ever again.

Then again, one glass of wine was just enough to push me. I had an excuse. I was "drunk", I could say (I wasn't really, though).

"Hey, happy birthday." I texted. First text I'd ever sent to him.

"Thank s thanks come t I barb" I received back almost immediately. Then a few followed:
"Come to bar"
"Come to old salt  va r bar"
"Not ok"
"Jk i m m ok"
"Im ok just come slt op by bbnnnn"

I didn't know whether to even answer. He was clearly obliterated. "Who did you go out with?" I got a little worried with the "Not ok" text, even though "jk" followed it.

"Just me"
"Its notfun h were"

Old Salt Bar was really just around the corner from my house, essentially. I guess he didn't go much further than his office. I decided I'd stop by, just out of concern for his safety - I could peek in and if he was alone, I'd make sure he was alright.

When I got there, he really was alone. The bar was nearly empty, too. It was kind of sad. Just a few people much older than him lingering around the bar, I figured they weren't his friends. "Hey, Reigen."

"Y/N! You came!"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay," he was kind of slurring, "you were the only person to tell me happy birthday, you know that?"

"Really? The only one?"

"Well, yeah, besides my mom." Reigen kicked back the remainder of whatever he was drinking. "So thanks."

"No problem..."

"You can get a drink, too, you can put it on my tab." He waved his hands around and gestured at the bar tender, who looked sick of him.

"I should be buying you a birthday drink, but I don't think that's a good idea, in uh, your current state."

"I said I'm fine."

I wanted to prevent him from drinking more. Clearly, he had a lot going on. No one at all wished him a happy birthday?  "Hey, what's your favorite movie?"

"Oh, definitely Iron Man 2."

I was startled by the quickness of his answer. What a bizarre favorite movie. "Iron Man 2, really?"

"Yup, yup, it's a good one... really good..." Reigen trailed off and tried to signal the bartender to come over. "Hey, can you-"

"Close his tab?" I finished for him. "Why don't we go watch Iron Man? What's the use in getting drunk alone, huh? Let's make it a... more pleasant birthday?"

Reigen looked surprised. "Yeah my... I don't know about driving my car..." He patted his pockets frantically. "Shit, lost my keys... of course I lost my keys..." He put his head in his hands. This guy was struggling.

"My house is within walking distance if you can walk."

Reigen smiled a bit. "Okay."

So I helped him walk back.

~I'm In Love With A Scammer~ | Reigen x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now