Part 8 - Actually Friends

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Reigen woke up in the afternoon. I was watching TV on the recliner when he jolted up from his sleep. "Do you always sleep so late?" I asked.

"Huh?? Shit. What time is it?" He rubbed his eyes.

"It's uh, 2 PM."

"I'm sorry." He collapsed back onto his pillow. "Ugh, that's embarrassing of me. Thanks for letting me sleep here."

"It's fine. You better tell me what's been going on, though. I haven't stopped by the office because you were such an ass the last time we talked, you know?"

"Yeah." He stared at the ceiling. "As you know, I'm usually a very professional and very generous kind of guy..."

"Yeeeeah..." I replied, but he didn't seem to notice my sarcastic tone.

"I kind of lost my cool on Mob a while ago, and he hasn't come back."

"On Mob?? How? Why? That poor kid." I shook my head. "What did you say to him?"

"Well I uh," Reigen awkwardly forced a laugh, "I got kind of jealous, I guess. He was ditching his duties for friends and stuff. And you know me, I'm always so busy. I kind of lost time for friends somewhere along the line and..."

"Yeah, I see. So Mob had no more Spirits and Such time, and you were getting pretty lonely."

"Well not lonely—"

"It sounds like you were lonely and jealous that he had all these new friends. You know he's just a kid, you shouldn't be making him work so much anyway."

"You're right." Reigen got quiet.

"But you need his psychic abilities, right?"

Reigen looked a little startled. "You know I have abilities, too."

I smirked. "Come on. I thought we were friends now. I let you stay here, after all."

He sighed a long, excessive sigh. "Yeah, fine. I mean, I can do a lot with the clients, believe me. But yeah, you saw what he can do. Real esper stuff."

"Knew you were fakin'."

"But you didn't believe any of it was real, either." Reigen got me there. I was right that he was putting on a facade, but he was right that all this spirit stuff is for real.

"Fair. I won't hold anything against you yet. But you didn't even apologize to Mob after all this?"

"How can I be the one to apologize to a little kid?"

I shook my head at him. "Reigen, you gotta shrink your ego a little bit." I sighed. "Let's go to his house."

"Today? Now? I don't think it'll help the situation... it's pointless, really. I shouldn't be relying on a kid..."

"Reigen." I put my hand on his shoulder. "All things aside, you're a good mentor. He looks up to you. You should really do this."

"Ahhhh, fine!" Reigen stood up abruptly and threw his blanket to the side. He was still in his wrinkled suit from last night. "We'll go now!"

"You don't wanna go back to your place and clean up or anything...?"

"Nope, gotta go now while it's fresh in my mind. You're coming with me?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll come along for support." I turned off the TV and stood up with him.

"Excellent! You would make a good employee, too, you know."

I laughed. "Don't go that far yet. But yeah, let's go see Mob."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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