• The Race is On •

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"Whoooo hoooo! Fairy Tail here I come!"Lilya yelled as she ran, full speed, towards Magnolia. "Amy, hurry up! We have to beat Nyx to the city gates. Don't forget, if we loose we owe her dinner!"

Amy was Lilya's Exceed and best friend. She was orange like, well, an orange. She was just an egg when Lilya found her, on the ocean shore. Also, Nyx was Lilya's best human friend. Her magic was very select, but extremely powerful. She was a Dark Dragon Slayer. She could consume dark magic, making it great to fight dark wizards. She was also able to use take-over magic, but not for full take-overs, just small things like arms and legs.

As Lilya neared the city edge, she saw a figure already standing there.

"How the heck did you get here that fast?"Lilya demanded.

"I have dragon wings, stupid."Nyx said in her normal dark manor.

"No fair! That's cheating!"Lilya proclaimed.

"In case you've forgotten, you have an Exceed. That can fly."

"Oh yeah! But I would never use Amy like that. I mean, yeah, she's very helpful when I'm fighting but not for something as simple as winning a race!"Lilya said defensively.

"Awe shucks, Lilya. I'm not all that helpful."Amy said

"Yes you are. I wouldn't win half as many battles if you weren't there to help me!"

"Oh, stop with all the sappy talk. Don't forget, you owe me a dinner. It better be delicious."Nyx prompted. Even though Nyx is always somewhat dark and brooding, she has a fun side that can only be brought out by Lilya Blueflame. In fact it was Nyx who suggested the race in the first place.

Lilya met Nyx while looking for Hilgaran, her foster "mother". In fact, Hilgaran was a dragon, but not just any dragon. She was a special kind of dragon, the last of her kind, a Blue Fire Dragon. Instead of just red fire, her fire was so hot and powerful that it was blue. She taught Lilya how to use the lost art of dragon slayer magic, but she also taught her of the Blue Fire Dragon magic. That was until she disappeared 14 years ago, Lilya had all but given up searching for her.

Now, she, Amy, and Nyx were on their way to the most famous guild known to all wizards....
Fairy Tail

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