• Dragon Slayers? •

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Fire and darkness shot straight towards Loke but he didn't move. He was too shocked by the magic the girls had just cast. Finally, Loke came out of shock just as the magic reached him. He was able to step out of the way, but not before he caught some of the blast.

"Gah!" He said as some fire scorched him.

Just then, Nyx used a special Dark Dragon magic.

"Dark Dragon Dark Cloud!" She shouted

Suddenly, Loke was enveloped in a shroud of darkness. He ran this way and that, trying to escape but it was no use, to darkness had swallowed him whole and he couldn't escape.

"Oh, and don't try to use magic, of you do then the cloud drains all of your magic energy," Nyx said confidently."

"I surrender," Loke said in defeat.

"Wow!! You guys are dragon slayers! What is this guild, a dragon slayer magnet?" Lucy proclaimed.

"Wait, how many dragon slayers do you guys have?" Lilya asked.

"Three. Wendy here is a Sky dragon slayer. The iron-faced jerk over there is Gajeel. He's an Iron dragon slayer. The other is a Fire dragon slayer. That would be yours truly!" Natsu informed his sister.

"The only jerk around here is you, Flame Breath," Gajeel said.

"Natsu! Your a fire dragon slayer! Awesome! I'm a Blue fire dragon slayer!" Lilya said cheerfully.

"Blue fire? Never heard of such thing. Or blue fire Dragons for that matter," Natsu proclaimed.

"They were some of the first dragons to appear. They all died except for Hilgaran, the dragon that trained me. She disappeared around fourteen years ago, and not long after that I met Nyx," Lilay told him.

"Igneel disappeared fourteen years ago too! Same as Metalicana and Grandiney!" Natsu said.

"Keresana disappeared around that time too. Not long after I met this bluenette named Jellal. I traveled with him for about two years, then I met Lilya," Nyx added her input.

"Wait! Did you say Jellal? As in Mystogan-Jellal or as in crazy-Jellal?" Lucy asked.

"Woah woah woah. You know two Jellals?!" Nyx asked.

"Yes. Although one of them is from Edolas. Don't even ask, it's a long story," said a voice from behind Nyx.

"Hey Erza! Dis the job go well?" Lucy asked.

"No," Erza said walking in. She was followed by a girl with a lot of blue clothing on. Behind her was a boy with barely ANYTHING on.

"Hey, Popsicle! Get some clothes on!" Natsu taunted.

"Shut up, Flame brain!" The boy shouted back.

"The only one shutting up here is you, Gray,"

As the boys started to brawl, the girl in blue stood off to the side, staring at Gray.

"Who's the stalker girl?" Nyx asked Erza.

"That would be Juvia Locksar. She's got a thing for Gray Fullbuster. He's got a stripping habit, he's always subconsciously striping." Erza informed.

Just then, another Exceed flew in.

"Hey, Lily! Are you going to join the fight?" Happy asked.

Patherlily wasn't listening though. He was staring at Amy. Happy noticed too.

"You like her!" He said in his less annoying voice, knowing if he taunted too much, Lily would beat him up.

"Like who?" Carla asked.

"Lily likes the new girl. her name's Amy, right?" Happy asked.

"Yes. Why don't you go talk to her Lily," Carla finished.

"Nnn-no. Um, I'm just going to go outside," Lily said, his voice quivering. He spread his wings and took off, heading outside. Suddenly, Amy flew out too, following Pantherlily.

"Natsu! Gray! Break it up!" A voice said from above.
Sorry for taking so long to update!!!
What could happen next?! Tune in for the next chapter!! (( there might be some ship moments!!))

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