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Wraith's Goblin,orbiting Smugglers Cove

~1 month Post-Demeter events.

A lot had changed for our now ex-IMC pilots.Spending a month in what was basically exile,they'd come across a world near the Freeport System,a bit too close to the Militia's headquarters however.From their recon drone and a bit of on the world Era,it was plagued by bandits and false wannabe warlords,and the commonfolk that worked the lands there are left to suffer,'IMC protection tax'they called it in one intercepted transmission.

'Perfect' Wraith thought darkly,Kione sharing her sentiment as well.

Finding potential followers here,two set out to get resources to prepare to liberate the people from those assholes,regardless of how long it would take.

Irons opted to stay aboard the small ship,not back to 100% just yet.

"3.2.1.Mark!"The black ship jumped through the rip in space,coming into view just above the beautiful scenery of the cove. Quickly,they landed in the shallow water,knowing of the hidden turrets around the place.

Kione and Wraith had opted for plain clothes,though both wore easily concealable, reactive armor and had a Hammond P2011 concealed as well,just incase somebody felt bold today.

Kione yawned tiredly as the ship AI opened the ship's side ramp."Remind me why we,former IMC pilots,are walking right into Militia and Pirate controlled waters,to buy things from these same people?"She said disbelieving,though she knew they really didnt have a choice.

"Well,for starters,we need new tools and clothes,i have way more than enough to gather enough supplies to last us about a year,or until we can find a bigger ship to transport titans.Gotta make being a pilot for hire work somehow right?"She replied evenly,walking out and into the Cove,Kione following.

Upon entering the cove,the two were assaulted by the smell of weapon oil,metal,and a hint of seawater.In addition,they wasted no time,splitting and hurrying over to each stand,purchasing things from rations and bullets,to stim and maintenance materials.In addition,they'd made sure to refuel and get spare fuel cells for emergencies.

They'd rejoined at the middle of the cove,walking briskly through the diverse crowd.Among that diverse crowd,they realized,was a tail.A Militia tail.

"Theres an alley way just up ahead,ill turn and walk in,and you do the same just after me,but get your pistol ready incase their not freindly."Kione nodded,slowing slightly as Azula headed down to the alleyway,the tail following blindly.

'Cant be an actual tail,this guy sucks.Well,ill just knock him to sleep and we'll be on our merry way then.' She mused,turning down the dim alley,awaiting the arrival of the tail,who'd tried and failed to keep up,leading to this trap.

It was almost too easy,the fool wandering into the alley,coming face to face with two pistol barrels pointed his way.He held his hands up,damn near shitting himself at the possibility of dying here.You could die anywhere on the Frontier,but especially in lawless places like this.

"Now then,friend.I have some questions about a few things,and your going to answer every one of them,and each time you hesitate,my friend here will put a bullet in you each time."She warned lowly,Kione pressing the pistol into his cheek for emphasis.

She relaxed,peering forward into the fearful,large eyes of the man.

"Now then,ill start with...
"Well,that was easy as fuck." Kione's voice rung out from one of the seats,currently cleaning her SMART pistol and updating its software.

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