New Era

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She rarely grinned,but Azula did so now with great reason,staring out the large window.Finally Home...

The settlement that was once a small,quiet little village had been wholly revamped with rapid rise of the Ghosts,both on Era and in the Freeport System especially

What had been small shacks and farms,spanned to nearly the size of an Angel City sector in the Titan Wars,the healthy patches of gray grassland was even visible from above.

From Ghost Town,the aforementioned Ghosts' ship was visible in airspace just after its final jump,and now could be seen from gliding slowly towards the end of the settlement and into the sat-cloaked airbase,neatly setting down in the shipyard.Many of the personnel on site of the base filed out onto the open area miles ahead of the takeoff strip,calmly awaiting the return of their deployed teams and ships.

A tense few moments later and the doors to the GTS Spirit peeled,fresh air seeping into the previously sealed off space to reveal a brigade of pilots at the exit.They glided down the slide into the expanding shipyard,leaving the small diagnostics group awaiting the ship at the runway.

Wraith acknowledged them and turned back to her team,"Your all dismissed.You should rest on site and get some cryotherapy or go home,we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow,im sure you all know."They each saluted the onyx leader and turned,heading down the strip to the main tower,but Kione stayed with.

They began their way towards the place,stopping mid stride suddenly...The duo turned their heads,hearing a familiar voice from an approaching cargo dropship.

"Looks like I was right on time."A single pilot jumped down from the still-landing craft with a carry bot,hefting a bustling crate of loot.Upon closer inspection,Azula gazed up to the familiar red glare of the visor,receiving a nod of silent confirmation.

"...Excellent.We can make some upgrades sooner than later now.",ignoring Kione's side look,she eyed the huge crate in the bot's grasp,overflowing with numerous electronics and gadgets.

"...Send Carr-E to our Lead Scientists,and walk with us to Command,we're going with Kione's approach to them,unfortunately."

Said woman nodded her head under her helmet as they began their walk,

"Yeah,now we get to show the Militia just how badass we are,which will nicely serve both Azula's ego,and your unhealthy infatuation with violence,Yami."

The pilot only shrugged his shoulders,switching his bloody gloves as he walked in stride with them to arrive at the Pentagram,the large hub between the 5 main zones of the base,in the form of shimmering constructs and buildings.

First was the Med Zone,which was self explanatory.Beta Zone,where all the science occurred.The Common Zone;Designed for civilian workers and assistants,such as engineers,mechanics,the whole 9.

They transferred,now standing at the entrance to the Ghost Zone,home of Command.To enter,you needed to take a zipline up to the service entrance,propelling yourself with a jumpkit and multiple footholds set along the way

-or the lift,for the losers...or if there was a colonist.

They chose the former,with Azula crosssing first and firing her jumpkit,leaving Yami and Kione dashing to catch up with her as she jumped ahead of them.
The clock was ticking.Ahead of the big meeting with the Militia,they needed to finalize what the day's layout would be.

Azula headed a table comprised of the core of operations;Head Architect,Planner,along with the two she brought along,the equal of Captains in her chain of command.

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