Chapter 9

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Hours passed and I was so bored. There was nothing I could do to help myself. I check my phone to see what time it was and I found I had signal. I dialled Damon's number then realised Rebekah was probably be there then tell Klaus I called him.

After thinking about it I called the one person that wouldn't tell anyone.

"Hello?" He said.

"Jeremy! It's Maria." I said fast but quiet.

"What do you want?" He said.

"I need you to save me!"

"What? Are you crazy?" He said. "You nearly killed me!"

"You stabbed me!" I argued. "Anyway. Please. I will help you kill a vampire after if that's what it takes."

There was a short silence. "Where are you?"

"Looked in a room at Klaus'" I told him.

"You are crazy."

"I said I would help you kill a vampire!"

"Yeah. But you think I can get past Klaus' hybrids." He laughed.

"Yeah! I do actually."

"Why can't you just ask Tyler? Or Damon and Stefan?" He asked.

"I-I don't know!" I said truthfully. "Rebekah is at the boarding house and Tyler has already nearly died for me this week so I don't want to ask too much of him."

"Okay. But you have to promise to help me kill a vampire after." He said.

"Yes. I promise. And you have to promise not to tell anyone I'm here."

"Okay. I promise." After that he hung up.

After a while passed I though maybe Jeremy wasn't actually going to come and save me until I heard crashing sounds. A few short moments passed and the door opened. Jeremy stood there and handed me a gun.

"Do you know how to use it?" He asked.

"Of course, I've seen movies, it can't be that hard." I replied. He hesitated for a second then shook him and and grabbed my arm.

"Let's get out of here." He said. Them we were in the movie.

"Wait! My bag." I said and ran back.


"Yes! You go ahead I will catch you up." I said and turned away.

I got into the room and grabbed my bag.

"I told you to go." I said as I saw Jeremy at the door.

"I'm not gonna leave a girl that doesn't know how to use a gun!" He protested.

"You were ready to kill me before!"

"So we got off on a bad start." He said.

"Ya think!" I laughed. "Anyway, how did you get past the hybrids."

We were moving down the stairs.

"Easy! But I'm not sure it's going to be so easy Getting out." He admitted.

I laughed then carried on down the stairs. When we got down there we kept out guns above out shoulders and scanned the area.

"Okay, so I think Klaus wet shopping." I said.

Jeremy gave me a strange look then just nodded and we moved out the door. We got onto his motorcycle.

"Only one?" I asked.

"Well I couldn't ride two and a time could i?" He told me, "now get on."

I did. I put my arms round his waist and he rid off. I had to admit it did feel weird being so close to someone who earlier tried to kill me.

"Now! Have you got a vampire for me to kill?" He asked.

"Yes." I had actually though about this.


"Kol. Klaus' brother."

"Not gonna happen." He said.

"Why not? He's a vampire."

"Yes! A very powerful one. I can barley take down Damon."

"Wait! Damon! You better not of hurt him!"

"Or what?" He teased.

"Or I..." I didn't now.

"Hmm, I haven't hurt him." He said.

"Thank god." I breathed.

"And we're back." He said as we pulled into the drive way.

Damon ran out straight away and hugged me. Then turned to Jeremy.

"Where did you take her!" Damon shouted.

"I actually saved her!" Jeremy shouted back.

Damon and Jeremy were only centimetres apart. I put my hand or Damon's arm.

"Leave it Damon." I soothed.

"Why didn't you call us!" Damon said ones he finally dragged his gaze from Jeremy. "We were worried sick!"

"Yeah, so worried you've been sleeping with Rebekah!" My anger toward him flared up.

"I guess I should go." Said Jeremy. "I'll call you later." That he said to me.

"What do you know about that?" He asked.

"All I know is that instead of saving me from Klaus, who is a crazy by the way, you were sleeping with his sister!" I screamed.

Stefan ran out after that to see what all the screaming was about.

"Maria! Your back!" He said.

"You two have no idea how sad I am about what you did!" I said tears in my eyes,"well more like what you didn't do! Maybe Klaus was right, I shouldn't live here."

After that I ran up to my room and locked the door.

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