𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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Love and Lychees

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Love and Lychees

2198 words

Days of nothingness began to get on everyone's nerves. Days that barely anyone talked, or looked at each other. Everyone wanted food, everyone wanted to go home, everyone had a wish but gave up hope it'd ever come true. They wanted to look for food, but the starvation had made them all deprived of any sort of energy, all too tired to even keep their eyes open for long periods of time. Eleanor sat slightly away from the rest of the girls, her and Diana laid against the rock wall that created the cliff they'd named the beach after. Both girls mindlessly stared out at the water where Rachel and Nora were trying to catch fish with a make-shift net.

"Do you think they'll catch anything?" Eleanor shrugged looking down at her hands, one held a sharpened piece of metal from the plane crash and the other held a stick that had been sharpened on the end. "I don't know, hopefully." Nell muttered, continuing to sharpen the end of the stick as Diana frowned. "Maybe we could go look for some food? Like fruits or something? Nell, I'm bored if you couldn't tell." "I know, but not yet, Rachel and I saw a goat there the other day. Imagine that, a whole goat that could feel us all." Diana stared at her before shaking her head. "No way, I can't eat that. It's an innocent animal." "And we're gonna die. Just think of it like this, it's giving its life for ours. We need to eat." Diana didn't say anything, instead leaned her head to lay on Eleanor's thigh, still staring at the ocean and listening to the wood be scraped away from the stick.

"So, what happened with Shelby?" "Diana..." "She had a total freak out a few days ago and you and Toni aren't talking about it. It's pretty obvious it had to with something you guys did, you guys only came running back to camp like bats out of hell. What happened?" Eleanor took in a deep breath and set the stick down along with the piece of metal looking down to Diana. "I just think... The stress is beginning to get to her. Y'know, Leah's whole freak out and then the brutal truth that we might not get out of here. It's a lot for someone to take in. And we ran back to camp because we heard something in the woods, it was probably that fucking goat." Diana hummed and then sat up. "What about you and Toni? You two seem very close." Diana spoke in a sing-songy voice and a sickeningly sweet smile. "Well... I don't know." "Don't know? Come on, you two make googly eyes at each other constantly." "Shh! Do not." "Do too. You've been teasing her since day one, just admit it, you're in deep now." Eleanor rolled her eyes, leaning back further and crossing her arms as well as her ankles.

"Sure. I have feelings for her and the weirdest part? I don't just have feelings for her, I have them for Shelby too." Diana paused, looking at Eleanor with slight confusion. "Yeah, I know, confusing right?" "That's some polyamory stuff, like sister wives." Eleanor nodded and bit down on her lip, watching Diana as she moved to mock how Eleanor was sitting the two staring out at the water before turning to look at each other. "I don't know anymore Dee. That's weird, isn't it?" "No, I mean not really. It's in human nature to fall in love and shit, the circle of life or whatever. Imagine how often people would have multiple partners if the term cheating didn't exist and people just talked and let their feelings guide them." Eleanor nodded again and looked over to where Toni was sitting, their eyes meeting for a split second before Toni turned away.

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