Epilogue Part 2

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When we arrive at my parent's house, I'm a little shocked that Leed opens the door.

"R's!" He grins opening his long arms and embracing us both. "What the hell have you guys been up to these last few months? Slackin'? No shows, no appearances, no calls to the fam..."

"We're working on a new project," Riley says casually.

I'm eager to direct. "No offense, but what are you doing here Lawson?"

He looks slightly uncomfortable. "We were...invited. It's kind of going to be a...weird night, I think."

Riley and I exchange a look. My parents often invite SCIC to gatherings, but family dinner night has always been family dinner night. Then again, I know Leed is like the frontman-son dad never had, so... whatever.

When we move to the living room, I see everyone I expect to see. My mom on the phone, looking slightly tense as she speaks calmly. I glance around, notice that my baby brother is absent, and suspect she's trying to track him down, force him by will or bribe to attend. He's twenty now, so easier said than done.

She sees me, comes to give me a brief hug while she says, "Lane, this is not a negotiation. You live under this roof. You live at the privilege of our family resources. You can do what we ask four nights out of the year. You are not working. No, I'm sorry, Lane, I do not accept that club promoter is a real job. Not for you, anyway. You didn't even do anything to "promote" the club. You and your friends simply showed up, and the club manager gave you free bottles for the table and tweeted that you are there. You can leave at any time; you don't even have a contract to appear there. No, you may not bring them. I know that, but bringing your drunken entourage is not the same as your sister inviting her boyfriend."

She looks me up and down, gives me a big smile, rolls her eyes at the phone, hugs Riley, and wanders away still talking to my brother.

Trace is standing with Leed, schooling Birch and Lyra about a series of old Skid Marcs pictures in his cool rockstar-dad way. Lyra is trying to edge away but Leed wraps an arm around her to keep her. From the trophy room, I can hear the sounds of the piano and I bet Lucy is in there. No telling where Alder is. Probably tucked in a nook reading a book. I wonder if Trace and Kat brought Willow or left her at home.

Beautiful, happy Kat is in conversation with my twin, but Kat seems to be doing most of the talking. Elegant Bridge has learned the art of appearing interested so well that even I can never tell if she's faking it.

I walk over to my ageless, pony-tailed big brother.

"Hey, Loser." I grin, framing an L on Street's forehead.

The four-year-old blonde girl in his arms giggles and pushes at my hand so she can plaster her own L onto her daddy's nose.

"Great example, Row," he says coolly to me, but then he smiles at his daughter.

"It's not nice to call someone a loser, with your words or hands. Girls with naughty fingers get them eaten," he tells her as he pretends to munch them in Cookie Monster fashion, and she squeals, wriggling to get down. He sets her on her feet and tells her, "Go find Pops and tell him Row and Riley are here."

She clings to his leg instead. She and Street live here with my parents, so I think it's more about the overwhelming houseful of guests than any reluctance that she might feel about seeking out "Pops." She loves my dad.

Riley leans down, offering her his arm. "Miss Aurora, will you allow me to escort you in your quest to find your grandfather?"

She giggles at him. She's big on Disney Princesses and Riley is good at playing the gallant prince. She puts her arm in his, but he brings his other arm beneath her bottom, pulling her up into his arms.

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