Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

“Demon” I heard the older women who was sitting behind me say.

Lucifer rolled his eyes at her “I have a name witch”

Tony quickly got up from his chair beside me “You can’t have her, I won’t let you take her”

“And how do you plan on stopping me?” Lucifer asked Tony.

“Anyway I have to” Was Tony’s reply.

“Enough!” I said standing from my seat “If you are here to take me back to the angels then you are going to regret showing your face here”

Lucifer scoffed “Why on earth would I take you back to the angels? I wouldn’t have went to so much trouble to rescue you if I wanted to return you”

“Rescue me?” I said frowning “You didn’t rescue me, I rescued myself!”

“I know” Lucifer said smiling at me “And I couldn’t be prouder to call you daughter”

Someone gasp behind me “You brought a demon here!” The older man behind me said.

“She is not a demon!” Tony said in my defence.

“No she is only half.” Lucifer said, he tilted his head to the side while looking at me. “How did you escape the angels?”

“How did you know I had escaped?” I asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders “Like I said I went back to rescue you, there was only that pesky Adam still there and he told me you had managed to escape”

“I want you and your demon father to leave” The older women said behind me.

“You will not tell my chosen mate to leave my home!” Tony yelled back at her.

Lucifer raised his eyebrow at me “Chosen mate, my you have been a busy little devil”

“You have brought Demons to our home Tony!” The women shouted from behind me.

“For the last time she is not a demon!” Tony yelled back at her.

My head was starting to pound from all the conversations going on around me. I lifted a hand up to my temple and tried to sooth the headache I felt growing.

“You didn’t answer my question daughter of mine, how did you escape?”

Sighing I dropped my hand from my head and looked at him “I lost my temper, broke my chains and blasted a few angels across the room before teleporting out of there.”

Lucifer frowned “Gabe said you didn’t know how to teleport.”

“Don’t speak to me about Gabe, he’s the one who kidnapped me and took me to the angels. If it wasn’t for him and my bitch of a mother I wouldn’t have angels trying to kill me”

“You’re a Manah” I heard the old women say from behind me.

I swung around and faced her, my temper was starting to rise “Yeah, so? What are you going to do try and kill me too!”

The old women’s eyes grew wide “No, never” She said shaking her head.

I glared at her for a moment making sure she wasn’t going to speak again before I turned around and faced Lucifer “What do you want? Can’t your people just leave me the hell alone?”

“I want to get to know my daughter,” Lucifer said taking a step toward me.

“Why?” I asked confused.

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