Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

After I get back to my office, I sit at my desk and go through the paperwork Ms Angel filled out. I sat back in my chair thinking about how I will go about tracking him down. She didn’t give me all that much information to go on which is not too important but it does make things easier for me. If I had his surname, I could try and get his missing person report. Sighing I sit forward. “Looks like I’m just going to have to go and check out his place.” I mumbled to myself. I grab the picture of a man in his thirty’s with jet black hair and black sunglasses on his face from the file and head to his Condo.

Walking into the foyer of the building, I walk up to the gentlemen behind the desk. He looks me up and down turning his nose up at my appearance.

“Hi I was wondering if you could tell me if Lucifer still lives here?”

“I’m sorry but I am not allowed to disclose that sort of information.” He answered not sounding sorry at all.

I sigh and gave his mind a gentle nudge telling him to answer all my questions. He blinks a couple of times and looks at me.

“He owns the entire top floor. But you won’t find him up there.”

“Do you know where I could find him?”

“No. He has not returned here in over a year.”

“Do you have a key to his condo?” I ask hoping I wouldn’t have to pick the lock to his door.

“No I’m afraid I don’t.”

“Ok thank you” I start making my way over to the elevators.

“Hey where are you going you haven’t been given permission to go up there.” The guy calls out.

I nudge his mind again telling him I had received permission. I press the button on the wall and waited for the elevator to arrive.

Once I arrived on the top floor, I make my way to the only door on the floor. I quickly picked the lock and entered the Condo. The first thing I noticed was the place had been trashed. Broken furniture was lying all over the room. WOW, you would think after a year someone would have cleaned the place up. Not wanting to disturb the mess I stay where I’m standing at the archway leading to what I could only guess was the lounge room. Looking down at the picture, I waited for me gift to kick in.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” A voice asks from behind me making me jump dropping the picture I was holding. I spun around and came face to face with a guy in his early twenty’s with jet black hair and dark brown eyes.

Holding my hand over my racing heart I answerer him. “Holy Hell you scared the crap out of me!” The guy just stares at me with a blank face.

“I’m waiting!” He says to me as her crosses his arms over his well-toned chest.

“I’m Kylah Banks I have been hired to find the man who owns this place.” I say gesturing the room with my arm.

“Oh really and who is this person who hired you?” He asked with scepticism clear in his voice.

“I’m afraid that information is classified.” I say answering.

I felt a gentle pressure against my mind as if someone was trying to get in. The feeling soon stopped and the guy in front of me started to frown.

“Who did you say you were?” He asked again

“Kylah Banks” I say rolling me eyes at him in annoyance.

“Never heard of you. Who are your parents?”

“I don’t see how that’s any of your business.” I say offended at his question.

The guy takes a step towards me “You are trespassing on my bosses property without permission. I suggest you answer my questions before I decide you are a threat and eliminate you.”

Taking a step back away from him scared he will follow through with his threat I answer him honestly “June and Jim Banks are my adopted parents I don’t know who my real parents are as I was dumped at an orphanage when I was a baby.”

The guy stops walking towards me. “I see. So I’m guessing you don’t know?” He asks raising an eyebrow at me.

I frown at the question. “Know what?” I ask him

“What you are.” He says in a bored tone.

Sucking in a sharp breath at his words, I try to compose myself quickly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

The guy lets out a bark of a laugh. “Sure you don’t tell me this then, Do you have a tattoo on your arm of a Halo or flames.”

Completely freaked out that he knew about my tattoos that I have had since my sixteenth birthday I quickly bend down picking up the picture off the floor I run past the guy out the door and made my way to the elevator.

“I can tell you what you are you know?” He calls out behind me. “All you have to do is tell me which one.”

I turn around to face him just as the elevator doors open. “Oh yeah what happens if I have both can you tell me what I am then?” I ask as I step backwards into the elevator.

This time it was his turn to suck in a sharp breath. Before the elevator doors closed, I heard him say one word. “Manar.”

Once the elevator door opened at the ground floor, I ran until I was out of the building and standing next to my bike.

I don’t know why I was feeling so frightened. There was something very strange about that guy and I didn’t want to be anywhere near him.

I rode my bike straight back to my building. Instead of heading for the front door to go to my office, I went around the back of the building and took the stairs to my apartment. Once inside I went straight to my bedroom where I took off my leather jacket and shirt. I walked over to my mirror so I could see the tattoos I had on both arms. On my left arm was a small tattoo of a halo it was gold in colour and on my right arm was a small tattoo of flames. It was red with yellow blended in. How did he know about them? I thought to myself I still remember the day they appeared like it was yesterday.

It was the day of my sixteenth birthday I was still in bed sleeping when I woke to a burning sensation on my right arm I pulled the sleeve of my nightgown up so I could look at the place it was hurting and not longer after I did that the same feeling started on my left arm. The burning pain increased on both arms making me scream out in pain. A bright yellow and red light shone brightly out of my skin for a few seconds before disappearing taking the pain with it.

After a few minutes I was able to sit up and turn my bedside lamp on, I pulled up my sleeve and found a tattoo of flames on my left arm I then pulled up my other sleeve and found a tattoo of a halo on my right arm.

Coming out of the memory, I walk over to my closet and remove a long sleeved shirt pulling it over my head I made my way to my kitchen to make myself a much-needed coffee.

I had just sat down with my coffee when my phone rang. It’s the same line as the one in my office so I don’t miss any calls if I’m here instead of my office.

I pick up the receiver. “Good afternoon Banks Bounty Hunters, Kylah speaking”

There was only silence on the other end of the phone.

“Hello?” Still no one answers. I’m about to hang up when I hear a voice on the other end.

“If you are ever interested in finding out what you are you can find me at the Hell raisers club ask for Gabe.” The line went dead as soon as he had finished speaking.

Did I really want to know what I am? Would it really make a difference knowing? I sat there thinking it over, deciding that at this point of my life I don’t really need to know. I know that i'm not like everyone else. The things i can do are not normal but i have learned to hide my abilities the best i can.Despite all that though I couldn't shake a nagging thought in the back of my head that was saying I might be able to find out who my parents are.

With that last thought I make my decision. Grabbing my leather jacket and keys I head out my door hoping i don't regret what i'm about to do.

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