Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

As soon as my corporal form had returned to my body and the vertigo had passed, I pulled out my mobile phone from my jeans pocket and dialled the number Gabe had given me.

It had rang several times before going to voice mail.

“Gabe it’s me Kylah, call me as soon as you get this.” I hesitated for a moment trying to decide if I should say more. “It’s important” I decided to say before hanging up.

Why the hell would Gabe take a child? I thought to myself. What could he possibly want with her?

Knowing I won’t get any of those questions answered until I spoke to Gabe I jumped on my bike and headed to his club.

I pulled my bike up at the front of Gabe’s club and climber off it, I walked up to the bouncer at the front door and lifted my left sleeve on my shirt to show him my flame tattoo. As soon as he had seen it he allowed me to enter the club.

I walked inside and noticed that it was as busy as it was the last time I was here. I walked over to the staircase and just like last time I was stopped by a bouncer just before I reached it. “VIP only” His gruff voice said.

“I’m here to see Gabe” I told him, hoping that mentioning Gabe’s name would get me access to the top level like it did last time.

“Gabe’s not in” The bouncer replied.

“Where is he then?” I asked putting one hand on me hip, trying to look intimidating.

The bouncer shrugged his shoulders “Out” Was all he said.

I could feel my frustration start to rise as I glare at the bouncer “Look this is important I need to know where Gabe is now”

“And I told you he’s not here”

“Is there a problem here?” A voice asked from behind me.

I turned around to see a man in his early thirties looking me up and down. He looked like an older version of Gabe, with his black hair and dark brown eyes.

I look back at the bouncer and noticed he had straightened his stance, and looking as stiff as a board.

“I’m looking for Gabe.” I say to the man behind me. I look at him from over my shoulder “Do you know where I can find him?”

The man frowned at me “He is out doing some important business, what do you need to see him for?” The man asked

“That’s between Gabe and I” I tell the man

I pull my phone out of my pocket to see if I had missed any calls from Gabe, when I noticed there was no missed calls I shoved my phone back in my pocket and looked at the bouncer “Do you at least know when he will be back?” I asked him.

I watched as the bouncer looked at the man behind me before shaking his head.

Sighing I rub my face with my hands “Fine” I say through clenched teeth. “When you see him next give him a message for me. Tell him if he ever wants Kylah assistance again he better contact me right away.”

Not bothering waiting for the bouncer to reply I storm off away from the men and headed for the exit.

“Hold up!” The Gabe look alike called out to me. Not being in the mood for any more chitchat I keep walking and ignore him.

I walk outside the clubs front door and head for my bike. I was about to slip on my helmet when the Gabe look alike reached me.

“I am going to assume that you didn’t hear me calling you,” He said to me sounding pissed “Because if you had and ignored me I wouldn’t be too happy and you may find yourself in a lot of trouble Missy”

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