Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Gabe had dropped me off back at my apartment, soon after I had told him where the angels had taken Lucifer. He had been quit for most of the ride only grunting a reply whenever I asked him a question. When I had asked him about the golden chains his only response was “They won't effect you, so don’t worry about them”

As soon as I got into my apartment, I went straight to my room, stripped off my cloths, and collapsed onto my bed. I may not have passed out from tracking this time, but it had made my body feel exhausted.

I woke to the sound of my alarm blaring at me. Slapping my hand down on the snooze button, I crawled out of bed and tried to find something to wear from the pile of cloths that was still spread out across my room floor. Settling on a pair of blue ripped jeans and a black three quarter sleeve shirt, I slipped them on with my black boots and headed down stairs to my office.

I had only been sitting at my desk for about ten minutes when the bell jingled announcing someones arrival. I looked up to see a deliveryman walking in carrying a bouquet of flowers of all different assortments.

“Ms Banks?” The delivery guy asked as soon as I stepped into the room.

“That’s right”

“Sign here please mam,” The guy instructed as he shoved a clipboard at me.

As soon as I had sighed, the guy handed me the flowers and left. Sitting them on the counter I pulled the little white envelope that was sticking out of them out and opened it. Inside was a small white card, that I removed from the envelope, and found a small note had been written on it.

Sweetest dreams of sweetest nights

I have you now within my sights

Your luscious lips and coloured hair

Is enough to make me want to stare.

I plan to touch your parts unseen

The night I take you as my queen.

Hand in hand, side by side

I cannot wait for you to be my bride.

“Creepy” I say looking at the card.

Noticing no signature, I flip the card over hoping to find some clue as to who had sent me the flowers. There wasn't any. I re read the note a few times more before putting it back in the envelope as I walked back to my desk.

Who the hell would send me flowers? I couldn’t help but ask myself. The only guy who has ever shown me any interest was Detective Ryan and he did not seem like the flower and poem type of guy.

The phone rings snapping me out of my thoughts, picking up the receiver I barely get my greeting out before the person on the other end of the line starts talking.

“I was told you were the best at finding people?” A woman’s voice said

“I am” I replied. “What can I help you with?”

“It’s my daughter.” The woman said sobbing into the phone.“She hasn’t been home in two days, the police haven’t been able to find her. Please tell me you can find my daughter." The woman begged.

“Where was your daughter last seen?” I asked

“She was last seen leaving school her friend said that she was walking home alone”

“If you would like to come down to my office and fill out the paperwork and be sure to bring a recant picture of your daughter I will see what I can do.” After giving the woman directions to my building, I hung up the phone and started organising the paperwork. I had no doubt in my mind that the woman would show.

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