Chapter 7

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The starting members were gathered in front of the gym with excitement all over them. Today was the day they head to Miyagi to have a practice match with Karasuno. Before they got on the bus, Yamamoto approached Kurumi. "Kurumi! Can we sit together?"

Before she was able to reply, Kuroo showed up behind her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her towards him. "She already promised to sit beside me."

She didn't remember promising him that but stayed quiet since she did want to sit beside him. 

"That's not fair! How come only you get to be close with our pretty manager?!"

"Hmm? What was that? Someone wants more training?" Kuroo smirked.

Yamamoto paled and stepped further away from them as he pouted. Kai just smiled and tried to comfort him.

"When did I promise to sit beside you?" Kurumi then asked with a smile. 

"Oya? I thought it was a given already?" Kuroo smirked before his eyes lit up. "Is it cool if I stick to you like glue-cose?"

Kurumi bit her lips as she slapped a hand over her hand, trying to stop her laugh. At the same time, she had a faint blush on her cheeks. 

• • •

Soon they all entered the bus and Kuroo let her sit by the window seat. The members were all busy chatting with each other as the bus began to move while Kurumi was reading her book. She was focused on her book when Kuroo leaned onto her like last time. "What are you reading this time?"

"It's also Disney's twisted tale, but it's a different one," she said as she showed him the front cover.

"A Part of Your World?" He read the title out loud. "You seem to like Disney a lot."

She nodded her head. "I do! Maybe because it was my childhood? But anyway, I especially enjoy the twisted tales. It's much more interesting than the classic ones."

"Mind if I read with you?"

"Sure!" She shook her head with a smile.

They went back to reading her book when Kuroo began to shuffle around. Instead of him leaning onto her, he shifted their position to her leaning onto his chest with his arms around her. He then took the book from her, him holding onto it instead. She stared at him in shock, but his eyes were on the book.

"I thought this might be more comfortable," he explained.

Kurumi did not say anything and glanced back at her book. She could feel her blood rushing to her face as she felt his warmth throughout her whole body. She could even hear his somewhat fast heart beating. She tried to focus on the book, hoping that he couldn't hear her fast heartbeat.

"Are you done?" He asked before flipping the page.

Although she couldn't focus on the book, in the end, she just nodded her head, allowing him to flip to the next page. None of the words were going through her brain that she had no idea what she was reading at this point. Regardless of how nervous she was, the warmth he was giving off made her sleepy that she found herself yawning before drifting off to sleep. 

• • •

Kuroo was about to ask Kurumi if she was done reading when he heard her light snores. He peered at her face and saw her sleeping peacefully. He felt his lips tug upwards at the sight. He bookmarked the page before closing it and placing it between his thighs. He then readjusted their position so that she can sleep more comfortably. When he thought the position was quite comfortable for her, he closed his eyes as well, falling asleep with her.

By the time he opened his eyes, they were almost near Miyagi. He turned towards Kurumi and shook her awake. "Kitten, time to wake up."

She groaned softly as she shuffled around and hugged him tightly. "Five more minutes."

Kuroo laughed at her actions. He leaned his head down and whispered to her ear. "As much as I enjoy you hugging me, you really have to wake up."

Her eyes flew open before sitting up. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to fall asleep!"

"No worries~" Kuroo grinned. "You're hair is quite messy now. I can redo your hair after we head out."

She just nodded her head with pinkish cheeks before they headed out the bus along with others. 

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