chapter four

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chapter four
his birthday!

──four days have passed and it is now sano manjiro's thirteenth birthday. the only child of the (l/n) family is invited to celebrate mikey's birthday along with the rest of his friends. (y/n) is tied her (h/l) (h/c) hair into a low ponytail,  and added lip balm on her lips.

she was wearing an oversized t-shirt and mom jeans paired with some sneakers. the (h/c) haired girl grabbed her shoulder bag that has the things she needed, before leaving the house where shinichiro was waiting for her.

"let's go," (y/n) spoke but didn't get any response, shinichiro was staring at someone his cheeks were blushing so the (h/c) haired girl looked at where he's staring and she deadpanned. sano shinichiro was staring at a girl his age.

the lady felt someone watching her so she looked in their direction, shinichiro avoided her gaze whipping his head at the other side only to meet (y/n)'s blank stare

"weak." (y/n) snickered when shinichiro's blush deepened, "it's not like you can do better." the raven-haired male remarked, (y/n) sat behind shinichiro as they're gonna ride his cb250t and give it to mikey later.

"i can do better than just stare," she giggled whilst putting on the helmet shinichiro handed her. "yeah yeah," the ravishing male scoffed, revving the engine and driving off to where the sano family lives.

(y/n) and her two chaotic friends got along with shinichiro this past few days, and if you're wondering where the two chaotic girls are at, they're already in the sano household

and since (y/n) can't drive the motorcycle her two friends insisted that shinichiro will pick her up and they'll see each other when they've arrived.

inside the sano household

"stay still," maki stated whilst holding baji's face, "you're so pretty baji-kun!" naya chuckled as she's behind the dark-haired boy. the rest of the boys are snickering to themselves as baji was trapped and captured by the girls.

what happened? well... the three girls consisting of; emma, maki, and naya declared that they need a clown. so the boys fought in rock-paper-scissors and baji lost, so here they are

the poor raven-haired male is getting a makeover by the three girls. "baji! wear this!" emma exclaimed as she entered the living room with a dress. "WHAT?! CLOWNS DON'T WEAR THAT! IM NOT GONNA BE A CLOWN IF I WEAR THAT TOO!" baji complained as his face showed that he's angry.

"baji~ you have to cause you lost!" mikey butted in, "it's also my birthday! so wear it cause the birthday boy said so!" he added to which baji huffed, standing up and harshly grabbing the dress he stomped his way to the bathroom.

oh- did i tell you guys that the dress is a maid dress? oh and that the girls just want someone to play dress-up with so they reasoned that they need a clown? yeah... anyways maid baji maid baji maid baji maid baji! BAJI IN A MAID DRESS!

"he'll look cute!" emma beamed skipping her way to naya and maki and sitting down beside them. "emma... why do you have a maid dress?" mitsuya questioned, emma looked at him then smiled. "it was a part of mikey's gift! someone wearing a maid dress i mean, it can be his too!" emma replied as sweat dropped on mitsuya's forehead.

"I'm back!" shinichiro sang as the front door burst open. "pardon for the intrusion," (y/n) mumbled, taking off her shoes and placing them at the shoe racks. "(y/n)!" mikey beamed when he heard (y/n)'s voice, mikey ran up to her and hugged her which she hugged back.

"happy birthday mikey-kun," the (h/c) haired girl smiled shinichiro stared at them blankly, (y/n) felt his gaze so she looked at him then teasingly smirked at him. "weak." she mouthed, sticking her tongue at him, shinichiro rolled his eyes at her before entering the living room.

"BAJI! YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL!" maki cheered taking out her phone and snapping pictures of him. (y/n) and mikey looked at them then at baji whose arms are crossed over his chest, he has cat ears on and a maid dress that suits him.

(y/n) and mikey laughed as they walked towards baji hand in hand. "YOU LOOK GREAT BAJI!" mikey beamed jumping behind baji's back which made them fall to the ground.

(y/n) snickered along with the others, she brought out her camera and snap pictures of baji. (y/n) looked at shinichiro snorting so she took a quick photo of him then examined it

(y/n) bit her bottom lip as she's trying hard not to laugh. blackmail 😈

(y/n) glanced at shinichiro who didn't know that she took a picture of him, making her smirk. ninja style: quiet snap!

the (h/c) haired girl quietly stepped away from the ruckus and hid somewhere she wouldn't be seen.

"huh? where's (n/n)?" naya questioned as she looked around the room, that question stopped everyone from laughing and looked around the room. "she was here earlier," shinichiro stated as he too looked around the place.

(y/n) who was hiding on the roof snickered, placing her camera over her eye she snapped a picture of mikey who was panicking.

the (h/c) haired girl is fast when she wants to so she hurriedly but quietly tried to find a good hiding spot where she can see them. and she ended up on the roof, she can see them clearly whenever she lifts a wood up, don't ask why there's no water dripping down from the broken roof.

"alright everyone! this is a mission from your president mikey! find (y/n) or you'll wear a maid dress just like baji. whoever finds her first will have a reward!" mikey declared his hands on his hips looking as intimidating as ever.

"yes sir!" everyone said in unison even his older brother- since they don't want to wear a maid dress. the (h/c) haired girl felt cold sweat dripping down her forehead, thinking of her escape routes and how to outrun them when they find her.

she turned around, her back laying on the cold wooden roof as she stared at the blue sky 'i'll stay here....' (y/n) said in her head thinking that if she said it out loud someone will hear her. 'i'll just stay here then take pictures of them.' she continued rolling over her belly she peeked through the holes and saw kazutora teasing baji.

readying her camera she took a picture of them punching each other. snickering she looked at the picture and bit her bottom lip preventing her to laugh out loud since the picture contains baji's fist in contact with kazutora's gut as the latter had his mouth agape and eyes wide.

"hey! stop fighting and find (y/n)!" mitsuya stopped the too as he stands between them. "guys! we looked around the house and she's not here so she could be in the roof!" draken informed them as the three then hurried out.

'shit...' (y/n) thought before quickly standing up and quietly jumping down from the roof and inside emma's room and hid inside her cabinet.

"ninja-style: hide and seek," (y/n) muttered as her hand was in her mouth to lessen the noise.

this is now a game of hide and seek. with ten people seeking and one person hiding, will the seekers find the greatest dangerous lord ninja (y/n) or will they give up and enjoy the rest of the day celebrating mikey's thirteenth birthday.


fun facts!

-(y/n) likes to pretend she's a dangerous ninja due to her liking action movies.

-(y/n) likes to take pictures of everyone and blackmail them with it.

-(y/n)'s a sadist seeing as she laughs at people getting hurt and bleed, but she's still a softie <3

-shinichiro is weak to girls his age

-shinichiro is single and will forever be single

-(y/n) took a picture of mikey and made it her wallpaper ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

-author doesn't understand (y/n)'s personality

thank you for reading today's chapter! i hope you guys like it,
drink lots of water and be healthy!
lovelots <3

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