chapter seven

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chapter seven

──the group did skip school and now they're bored as fuck, it's three in the afternoon. (y/n) wasted her money buying them breakfast, although she and mikey didn't leave the building the two of them did got there earlier than them and wasted time sitting there while mikey slept. so she wasted her money on breakfast cause mikey didn't bring his wallet and he wouldn't cause its empty.

and now all of them are residing in the living room inside the sano residence. they were either laying on the ground, talking amongst themselves, or is watching tv. this is the situation between the girls, they were laying on the ground whilst staring at the ceiling thinking of things they could do just to relish their boredom.

a loud growl resonated from the room, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the source... which is naya who just smiled at them. "ughhh, i'm so bored!" maki whined as she rolled on the floor to ease her boredom which didn't work at all. "i'm hungry." naya said, her hands resting on her stomach. the two girls looked at each other, then at (y/n) who stared at them in return.

the (h/c) haired girl blinked twice before getting their message, "ohh!" she said, standing up she went to mikey who was sleeping on the couch beside baji who was watching something on the tv along with kazutora and pah. maki and naya followed the (h/c) haired girl as they waited for her to wake mikey up.

"mikey.." (y/n) called as she continuously poked the males cheek. "hmm..." the blond hummed, slapping (y/n)'s hand away so he could continue his sleep. "mikey." the (h/c) haired girl said lightly shaking mikey's figure. "i accidentally broke your cb250t, i'm sorry!" she lied through her teeth, knowing that he loves his motorcycle very much. everyone in the room looked at her in confusion, except for naya and maki cause they knew what she's doing.

"huh?" mikey said as he rubbed his eyes, he opened one eye revealing his ravishing raven eyes that looked at the (e/c) eyed girl in confusion. "s-sorry.." she hanged her head low, her gaze on the ground as she waited for him to talk. "sorry, for what?" he replied, uncertainty laced in his voice, the (h/c) haired girl looked at him with teary eyes. "your cb250t, i- i broke it!" she cried out, the tears rolled down her cheeks

the boys looked at her then at her two besties whose trying their best not to laugh. draken and mitsuya deadpanned before going back to their previous conversation, emma who was laying on the ground just stayed in her position since she knew that (y/n) never broked anything, thinking that they're pranking mikey to ease their boredom whilst baji, kazutora and pah who was too engrossed on what they're watching didn't know that (y/n) left- looked at them, imagining what their reactions would be if ever someone breaks their beloved motorcycles, well if ever someone does it seems that they want an early death. shinichiro wasn't with them since he needs to work.

"y-you did?" mikey's eyes widened, jumping from his seat he immediately sprinted outside, he just got his dream motorcycle yesterday and now it's broken? damn, what a lie. mikey stood outside panting, the sight in front of him made him sigh in relief. he was glad it was a prank, now he can sleep peacefully again, "good, you're fully awake. so let's go to my house!" naya exclaimed, exiting the gate alongside maki and (y/n) who was giggling.

"huh? why though?" mikey questioned, turning around to face the three girls. "cause i said so!" she grinned, grabbing mikey's hand and dragged him inside his house. "hehehe! we're going to naya's house!" maki announced as they entered the living room, everyone looked at her with their eyebrows raised. "naya's mom is not home at this time and we'd like you all to have fun with us too!"


the group finally arrived in naya's house, they stared at the modern house in awe before entering the household muttering a 'sorry for the intrusion' and removing their shoes and placing it on a shoe rack. the group stayed in the living room as they looked around in amusement, the room was well organized and neat. naya and her mother are both from the philippines they aren't poor nor rich their just average but their money wasn't enough to go to japan so naya's mom worked hard and they're here.

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