chapter five

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chapter five
ghost hunting!

──silence dawned inside emma's closet as (y/n) still hadn't left the blonde's room since she'll surely get caught if she leaves. "she's not in the roof so let's go and search her in your room emma!" (y/n) heard naya talking

"okay! I'm sure she heard us so she hid somewhere inside." emma replied, (y/n) heard their voices coming closer until the door swung open.

the (h/c) haired girl clasped her hand on her mouth to prevent her from making noises.

biting her bottom lip, (y/n) struggled not to laugh as emma, maki, and naya looked around the blonde's room. shifting, the (h/c) haired girl stumbled back and fell on her bum causing the three girls' heads turning at emma's closet.

'shit.' (y/n) mentally cursed she stood up dusting her pants. "hey what was that?" emma questioned looking at the two with a terrified face. "maybe she's hiding there!" maki beamed- excited that they'll win the prize.

the raven-haired girl opened the closet to see no one, shoving the hanging clothes away she saw nothing, cold sweat dripped down her forehead. "th- there's no one here!" she screamed closing the door shut then dragging the two out of emma's room.

(y/n)'s breath hitched when she heard maki exclaimed in fear that she's not in the closet when in fact she is inside. now realizing, she felt someone pulling her that's why she stumbled back

she won't admit it- well maybe she will but she's scared as fuck. this ain't ninja shit anymore... it's some exorcism shit!

placing her hand on the closet door, she felt it open a little bit. exhaling and inhaling she turns on her camera and quickly snapped a photo behind her and burst open the door and there she entered the same closet she was hiding before, opening the door again she then left emma's room in a hurry.

not bothering to think about how there's a closet inside a closet.

running down the halls she finally arrived in the living room where the rest are, their heads whipped in her direction seeing her panting form.

"(n/n)-chin! where were you?!" mikey was the first to ask the scared girl, "i- i was in emma's room," she said between her pants, what she said made the three girls look at her with the same terrified expression she's wearing.

"what do you mean? we were searching for you there but we didn't saw you," emma said looking at the (h/c) haired girl both in confusion and fear- cause maki said that she wasn't there.

"that! i was inside the closet but someone grabbed my wrist and i fell!"

"that was you?! and what do you mean someone grabbed your wrist???" maki paled, pointing a finger at (y/n). shinichiro hummed crossing his legs and placing his chin on his palm, "maybe some ghost grabbed you.." he deducted, all of them looked at the eldest.

"huh? ghost ain't real!" baji said, crossing his arms over his chest- still wearing the maid dress.

"i- i took a picture.." (y/n) stuttered, grabbing her camera and turning it on, she scanned her gallery and tapped on the last picture she took. showing the photo to shinichiro he examined it with wide eyes seeing a figure wearing a white kimono and has a white cloth covering its face

passing the camera to baji who reluctantly grabbed the object, just a second of looking at it he immediately passed it to kazutora, and then they just passed it to everyone.

"that was one pretty ghost!" maki giggled a loving aura surrounding her as she thought what the ghost looks like. "aha!" mikey beamed going to his brothers' side and pouncing onto his back to make himself tall.

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