chapter fifteen

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chapter fifteen

5:37 pm

──the day passed by quickly and it is now saturday, when mikey walked (y/n) home the latter informed the male that they'll be having a sleepover at her house. she said that he can invite emma since she'll be inviting naya and maki, after all, they're recreating a scene from a manga she read and the scene needs five people and she immediately thought of the three girls.

"izana," mikey greeted the bleach-blond male who opened the door to naya's house. "mikey." izana greeted back, his eyes narrowed at mikey's figure and occasionally looking at the sandy-blonde-haired female behind him- which is his step-sister. "kuya! (big bro) don't scare them!" naya scolded, throwing her slipper at izana which unfortunately hit his head making him wince and rub his head in pain.

"hey guys!" she exclaimed as if she didn't hit izana on the head, walking past her brother she then engulfed emma in a hug. "emma! you're so pretty!!" naya complimented the sandy-blonde-haired girl who embraced her back, "thanks, though you're more pretty than me." emma replied making the brown-haired girl pull away and pat emma's shoulder with a close-eyed smile. "HAHAHA! thank you emma, if you keep this up i might court you." naya responded with a wink and finger guns while the two males just deadpanned at her.

"anyways, let's get going!" emma beamed- ignoring what naya said- as she grabbed the brunette's hand and dragged her towards where mikey parked his babu. izana grumbled, getting his keys in his pockets before walking out of the house and towards the two females since he's gonna send naya to the (h/c) haired girls home. mikey followed behind the bleach-blond male with a taiyaki in his hand as he munched on it.

meanwhile, the (h/c) haired girl is inside the okira household waiting for maki after she asked the raven-haired female's mother if she can sleepover. of course, maki's mom agreed though when maki asked for permission last night her mom didn't agree because of the reason that she might meet up with him. (y/n) stayed seated at the couch with her phone in her hand, "ah, (l/n)-san."

a certain red-haired girl mumbled (y/n)'s surname as the former entered the living room and is surprised to see the (h/c)-haired female in her home. (y/n) felt someone staring at her and she raised her head to see a red-haired girl and a black-haired male behind her. "ah, it's (y/n)-chan!" the raven-haired male behind metsuha- maki's twin sister, as the male walked towards (y/n) and ruffled her hair which made her blush a little.

"hello, mihai-san" (y/n) greeted with a small smile as she fixed her hair. okira mihai- the elder brother of the twins, he is twenty-four years old and is working part-time in a cafe to earn extra money. mihai chuckled and left to go grab some water, the red-haired female cleared her throat and went to sit across the (h/c) haired girl. "how are you (l/n)-san?" metsuha questioned with a small smile to lessen the awkward atmosphere,

"i'm good, how about you okira-san?" (y/n) asked to keep the conversation going, the two are really not close since they rarely talk plus metsuha is always busy for whatever reasons she told her mom while (y/n) is busy from her studies. "i'm great!" metsuha answered enthusiastically, the room went silent, no one dared to speak. the two just smiled at each other whenever their eyes meet, the pair really needs to get a long. the silence is to loud.

"(y/n), let's go!" maki exclaimed as hurriedly grasped (y/n)'s hand and dragged her out of the okira residence. (y/n) didn't complain because whenever they have a sleepover, maki's mom would change her mind last minute so the raven-haired girl leaves the house as soon as possible.

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