Making It Count

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Bela got closer and closer to Miranda.

And while she was running, she could clearly feel all kinds of pain litter her body.

She doesn't know why everything hurts now, but she knows she doesn't need to think about that when her chance at getting free is right in front of her.

Her current goal is to kill the woman she is so close to already.

She gritted her teeth as a mold root almost made her trip. It's a bad time to fall now.

She glances at the dagger with the Dimitrescu crest on it.

She knows the dagger won't do much, mostly because of her healing abilities, but it's her best bet to atleast damage the woman.

She grits her teeth as she saw a wing from Miranda covering her side of the attack.

She glanced at Ethan and saw he was still shooting. He seemed tired already, but he knows just as well as Bela that Rosemary is the priority.

She knows he's trying his best, and that's just another reason to fuel her desire for beating the woman who started it all.

She gulped one last time before finally plunging the dagger deep into the woman's abdomen.

Bela closed her eyes when she did it but she can just feel the lower body of Miranda tense when the dagger went through her.

Bela didn't let go of the dagger, even when Ethan's bullets finally went through her wings.

Bela looked up and saw that Miranda's eyes were both now filled with black, both streaming down and inside. She was screaming in agony.

She would heal, she knew that well, but it doesn't mean that she won't feel the pain.

Miranda, out of impulse and the pain, made her wings stretch, allowing Ethan to shoot her directly from where he stayed.


Miranda shouted, voice cracking and inhuman as she lifted her hand, directing it at Bela.

And then suddenly, Bela flew back meters away from Miranda.

Her hand almost slipped from the dagger, but luckily her grip was tight enough that the dagger didn't stray from her hand or slipped from her when she was thrown across the open space.

When Bela hit the ground, once again, she was surprised none of her bones broke, especially now that she basically can't transform back into her flies.

She tightly closed her eyes but opened it minutes after she was thrown and saw Miranda, still screaming, with black liquid for blood spurting from where the dagger was implanted earlier.

Ethan kept on shooting until he threw the rifle and got the pistol he threw earlier and instead shot it at Miranda.

Bela tried standing up again and while she tried, she saw Miranda's wings flex and its feathers started falling off.

Her color was changing and her body was cracking.

The mold started infesting everywhere, and it was also starting to create a dome-like structure with its massive roots.

Bela while watching Miranda also felt something crack within her, but she ignores it as she stands up carefully.

"My... Eva...!"

Miranda shouted lastly as Bela saw the sun peeking out from the former darkness of the night.

Miranda's body started to discolour and crack more and more like Bela did three years ago and finally, her screams died down and she turned into nothing else but ashes.

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