Rin's house (extra)

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As promised, Etsuko went to Rin's house. Rintarou gracefully maneuvered the car to a stop in front of his house. "Finally, we've arrived," he announced, cutting the engine with a sense of relief evident in his voice.

"You speak as though you've been away for an eternity," the woman teased, a chuckle escaping her lips.

Rin flashed a smirk in her direction. "Well, there's a certain someone who always beckons me to chauffeur her around," he quipped, playfully tweaking the tip of her nose.

Etsuko chuckled in response. "I apologize, I apologize."

Leading the way, Etsuko entered the house, with Rintarou following closely behind, bearing her bag.

"We're back!" Rin declared, closing the door behind them.

Excitement filled the air as a little girl dashed towards them. "They're here! They're finally here!" she exclaimed joyfully.

A voice from inside cautioned, "Ritsuka, be careful!"

Unperturbed by her mother's warning, Ritsuka paid no heed and leaped into Etsuko's arms, enveloping her in a tight hug.

Rintarou breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness. I thought she was going to take a tumble. Ritsuka, that's risky. Please, be more cautious next time—"

Interrupting her brother, Ritsuka focused solely on Etsuko. Rintarou shrugged, pondering his relevance within the household.

"Etsuko nee-chan, I missed you so much! Are you staying the night? Can we have a sleepover? Can we, can we?!" Ritsuka fired off a rapid succession of questions in her excitement.

Feeling the weight of expectation, Etsuko hesitated. She hadn't planned on a lengthy visit. Etsuko pondered carefully on how to respond without disappointing the eager little girl. "I... um..."

Just in the nick of time, Mrs. Suna's arrival provided a welcome distraction.

Gently lowering Ritsuka to the ground, Etsuko expressed, "I apologize for the sudden visit."

Mrs. Suna's warm smile reassured Etsuko. "It's absolutely fine. You're always welcome here."

"Thank you," Etsuko replied sincerely.

Bending down, Rintarou presented a pair of house slippers to Etsuko. "Here, put these on."

"Thank you, Rin."

Observing the interaction between the two self-proclaimed best friends, Mrs. Suna couldn't help but smile to herself.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands. "I've baked cupcakes!"


"Etsuko-chan, have you been resting enough? You seem paler than usual," Rin's mother inquired with concern.

Leaning in close to Etsuko's ear, Rintarou whispered, "I told you, you look like a canvas—Ouch! Hey!" he yelped in pain.

Turning to Mrs. Suna as if she hadn't just stepped on her son's foot, Etsuko responded, "My mom mentioned the same thing and gave me a lengthy lecture."

Mrs. Suna chuckled softly. "How is your mom doing? And what about the twins? Are they accompanying you?"

"They wanted to, but I declined," Etsuko chuckled. "I don't want to be a burden to them. I've already troubled my mom and brothers enough."

Mrs. Suna let out a sigh. "I wish my foolish son here could look after you, but he's off to a game."

"Rin wouldn't be much help in taking care of me, that's for sure," Etsuko remarked, a playful smirk directed at Rin beside her. "I'd probably end up looking after him because he's so lazy."

"I would take care of you," Rin interjected.

"You wouldn't," Etsuko countered.

"What makes you so certain?"

"I just know."

"Is that so?"


The banter continued between the two friends, filled with playful exchanges and shared moments of camaraderie.

As the evening settled in, Etsuko and Rin found themselves engrossed in conversation in the living room. Ms. Suna had bid them goodnight and retreated to her bedroom, while the sound of running water indicated Ritsuka's presence in the shower.

Glancing at an old photograph from their school festival, Etsuko couldn't help but chuckle at her youthful appearance. "I look so different here, don't I? My hair was incredibly short back then," she mused, a hint of nostalgia in her voice. "I always kept it that way or styled it like my brother's."

Curious, Rin inquired, "What made you decide to grow it out when you started college?"

Etsuko shrugged, a wistful smile playing on her lips. "No particular reason, really. I just felt like a change."

Rin couldn't help but remark, "Honestly, I'm surprised your mom allowed you to have such a boyish haircut. It's almost like a family trademark with you and your brothers sporting the same style."

With a hint of solemnity, Etsuko explained, "We come from a single-parent household, Rin. Maybe my mom wanted to cut us some slack, especially since Dad isn't around anymore." Her expression darkened slightly as she added, "His passing was sudden. Well, weak hearts run in his family side."

Noticing her melancholy, Rin reached out, gently touching her face to draw her gaze. "Stop overthinking about it, Koko," he urged softly. "You're not destined to follow the same path."

"We can't be certain, Rin." Etsuko's voice held a tinge of uncertainty as she replied, "My father didn't show signs of a weak heart until his thirties. Atsumu and Osamu surely inherited our mother's good side. Afterall, they're strong."

"Stop tormenting yourself with what-ifs," Rin implored, his tone firm yet gentle. "You won't die."

Etsuko's gaze met his, a flicker of gratitude in her eyes. "We all have our time, Rin. It's inevitable."

"Let's not dwell on the inevitable," Rin interjected, a touch of unease in his voice. "Let's focus on the present, Koko."

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