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Etsuko was in the midst of cooking dinner when she heard the familiar sound of keys jingling. She poked her head out from the kitchen to greet a visibly tired Kenma.

"Welcome home," she greeted, concern evident in her voice. Kenma slumped onto the sofa, covering his face with his left arm. Etsuko wiped her hands on a towel and lowered the flame on the stove before joining him.

"Hey," she reached out, sitting beside him. Kenma wrapped his arms around her waist as soon as she was seated.

"I'm home..." he mumbled, nuzzling his nose against her neck.

Etsuko gently played with his hair, her fingers gliding through the soft strands. "Babe, dinner is almost ready. Go wash up first, and I'll bring your food upstairs," she suggested, her voice filled with tenderness.

Kenma's eyes remained closed as he leaned into her touch. Etsuko couldn't help but admire his beautiful face. Every feature of Kenma's was elegant and pleasing to her eyes.

Etsuko decided to let Kenma rest for a while longer. She hummed a soothing tune, her hand continuing to caress his long blonde hair.

Kenma had been swamped with projects and papers that needed his attention for the past week. Everyone in the office was working hard and fully engaged in preparing for the upcoming event.

Etsuko couldn't be prouder of Kenma and his growing company. The success he was achieving was a testament to his hard work and dedication.

Suddenly, Etsuko's thoughts turned to what would happen to Kenma while she was away on vacation. She wouldn't be there to witness the event that everyone had been working tirelessly towards.

"I'm missing you already..." Kenma murmured, his words barely audible.

Etsuko couldn't help but smile, her heart swelling with affection. "Stupid, I'll be back before you know it," she reassured him, her voice filled with love and warmth.

Kenma immediately sat up, frustration evident on his face. "Ugh, why can't you just let me come with you?" he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Kenma, you have an important event to attend," Etsuko gently reminded him, her thumb caressing his cheek.

"What's the point of attending if you aren't there," Kenma muttered, looking away.

This had been their ongoing conversation for weeks now. Kenma pleading to accompany her to her hometown and throwing tantrums when she insisted it wasn't possible.

"Kenma... please," Etsuko pleaded softly, her eyes filled with a mixture of longing and sadness. Tomorrow would mark the first time Etsuko returned to her hometown since moving to Tokyo five years ago. It was also the first time the three of them would be reunited.

The event was scheduled to take place three days from now, and Atsumu would have to return to training shortly after. Etsuko wanted Kenma to be there with her, but she didn't have a choice. The event was a significant milestone for Kenma's career, and he needed to be present to witness his own success.

"You're more important to me..." Kenma's words hung in the air before he abruptly left, leaving Etsuko feeling unsettled and unsure.

That night, Kenma remained silent, refusing to speak to her. Morning came, and he still maintained his silence. As Atsumu pulled up in his car in front of their house, it was time for Etsuko to leave.

Etsuko was about to say goodbye to Kenma, but he locked himself inside their shared room. In the end, Etsuko had no choice but to depart for her hometown without bidding him farewell.


"Come on, Etsuko! You can do it!" Atsumu's voice echoed through the air, his encouraging words carrying across the distance.

Etsuko let out an exasperated sigh, feeling the weight of the task before her. "Why am I the one doing this alone?" she muttered, frustration lacing her words.

Atsumu shrugged nonchalantly, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he held a glass of wine in his left hand. "Cause I'm tired," he replied, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.

"Ugh, screw you," Etsuko retorted, her tone laced with equal parts annoyance and affection.

"Love ya too!" Atsumu shot back, his words filled with a mix of teasing and genuine warmth.

Etsuko rolled her eyes in disbelief. They had finally arrived in their hometown, and Atsumu was already up to his usual antics. But it wasn't just Atsumu; Osamu was equally mischievous and scolded them for driving when he reminded not to.

"Samu! Help me with this!" Etsuko called out, seeking assistance from her other older brother.

"Nah, you can handle it," Osamu shrugged, taking a sip of his beer.

Etsuko couldn't help but feel exasperated. It seemed that she had no choice but to tackle all the house chores alone while her two older brothers reveled in their carefree attitudes.

Atsumu and Osamu's voices echoed through every corner of the house, their banter filling the air.

"Samu! Samu! Roll over!" Atsumu playfully exclaimed.

"Why would I? I'm not a fucking dog!" Osamu retorted, his tone filled with equal parts amusement and defiance.

Etsuko watched the exchange between the twins, a mix of annoyance and amusement playing on her face. After a brief moment of silent communication between them, they suddenly turned their attention to her, wearing silly grins and silently pleading for her to join in their playful antics.

"Don't you dare," Etsuko warned, her voice firm. "I'm not participating in your childish games. Idiots."

Atsumu pouted, lightly punching her back. "Meanie!"

"Etsuko, you're no fun," Osamu stated, crossing his arms defiantly.

"You're such a killjoy," Atsumu added, swaying his head from side to side in mock disappointment.

Etsuko looked at the two of them in awe, a mixture of nostalgia and warmth flooding her heart. How she had missed these everyday interactions, the familiar banter that had been absent from her life for so long.

"Osamu, Atsumu, I'm home," she declared, a bright smile spreading across her face, her eyes glistening with tears she had kept hidden for far too long.

"Welcome home," the twins chimed in unison, their smiles mirroring Etsuko's own. In that moment, she felt a sense of reassurance and belonging, knowing that she was truly back, back to where it all began, back to a place she could wholeheartedly call home.

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