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September 2022 - Autumn

"Hon, I'm heading to work," Kenma announced, pressing a feather-light kiss to her cheek before quickly heading towards the door.

"Wait, your lunch!" Etsuko shouted, her heart pounding as she dashed to the garage with his lunchbox in her hand. "You left your lunch behind!"

"Whoa, don't run!" Kenma implored, his eyes wide with concern as he caught sight of her hurried movements. He promptly closed the car door and rushed back to her side, one hand instinctively cradling her belly, the other supporting her back.

"I wasn't running! You're just being overly cautious," Etsuko replied, playfully jabbing him in the elbow. "I swear, your constant worrying gives me the shivers."

"You've become more violent since you got pregnant," he teased, feigning a wince of pain.

"Would you prefer to tangle with my brothers?" she shot back, referring to her protective brothers, Atsumu and Osamu.

"No, thank you," Kenma responded swiftly, shaking his head. "Let's get you back inside, Euko." He guided her towards the door, his hands still offering her support, one tenderly holding her hand and the other at her back.

"My belly isn't even that big. I don't need this much support. Heck, I barely feel pregnant. The only time I feel pregnant is when you fuss over me." she protested,

"That doesn't change the fact that there's a little human growing inside you. And I'm here not just to support your back, but to support you in every way." Kenma says confidently, "We're husband and wife, after all."

"Again with the cheesy lines," she groaned, rolling her eyes. "Just get out of here before I decide to run away again!"

"That's not funny," he retorted, feigning hurt.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Etsuko laughed, her giggles echoing in the room.

"Why are you laughing at my pain, seriously, you."

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry," she repeated, still giggling. "As an apology, I'll blow you when you get home." Etsuko whispers to his ears, sending shivers to his body.

I'm getting excited. Fuck. He thought to himself.

"Hon, we can't." he says, praising himself on the inside for holding back.

"You sure you don't want to?" Etsuko teases once more, her tone flirtatious it almost break his resolve.

Kenma refuse to be pulled by his temptations and desires. Hell knows he won't keep it to just a simple blow. He will fuck her all the way, dusk till dawn. It won't be good for her body and won't be good for Kenma's sanity.

"You are torturing me," he conceded, pulling her into a gentle hug, his head nestled in the crook of her neck.

"How about we go out later?" she offered,

"Where to?" he asked, "Where do you want to go, hon?" he asked once again, swiftly leaving a peck on her collar bone. Etsuko, used with his sudden affections didn't mind.

"Anywhere! I'll meet you at your office later and we can head out together," Etsuko suggested enthusiastically.

Kenma's voice was laced with concern as he looked at her, his eyes dropping to her belly. "Are you sure about this? The baby's almost due," he reminded her, his worry for both her and their unborn child evident in his words.

"I still have a month before my due date," she reassured him, trying to alleviate his worries, but her words didn't seem to soothe him.

"Weeks, my love, not a month. The baby could come any day now," he gently corrected her, his gaze still locked on her belly, as if he could see the life growing inside her through her clothes.

"I don't think it's safe for you to be out and about," he reasoned, his protective instincts kicking in. "How about I pick you up here at home and then we can go wherever you want."

"That works for me," she agreed, a soft smile playing on her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck, "You really are a trader, hon," she admired him, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

"I love you," Kenma declared out of the blue, his gaze fixed on her with intensity. His hands instinctively found their way to her waist, pulling her closer.

Etsuko giggled, caught off guard by his sudden proclamation. "Where did that come from?" she asked playfully, but Kenma only tightened his embrace, unwilling to let her go just yet.

"Come on, get to work," she nudged him, patting his back gently to encourage him to release her.

Reluctantly, Kenma let her go, but his hands remained on her waist. Etsuko place her hands on his cheeks, looking deeply into his eyes. "I love you," she whispered,

A genuine smile spread across Kenma's face, radiating warmth and affection. It was a smile that made her heart flutter with joy. How could one person be so ethereal, she wondered. But before she could ponder further, Kenma pulled her back into his arms, enveloping her in a tight embrace.

"Get to work, you have a wife and a child to take care of!" Etsuko nudged him again, this time a bit harder.

"Ugh," Kenma groaned, finally letting go of her. He turned around and began to walk towards his car with a slight reluctance in his steps.

"Hey, Kozume," she called out, causing him to pause and turn back to look at her. Etsuko stepped forward and leaned up to plant a brief but meaningful kiss on his lips. It was enough to send a pleasant shock through Kenma's system.

"Drive safely. Remember, you have a family waiting for you at home," she said, her voice soft but stern. As she spoke, her hand adorned with their wedding ring, instinctively brushed over her belly, a gentle reminder of their growing family.

At her words, Kenma's face lit up with a smile that reached his eyes. A family. The thought resonated within him, filling his heart with warmth and love.

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