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Etsuko set aside the papers on her desk, reaching for a new set of folders tucked away beneath. Her fingers delicately scanned the contents of a few pages before returning to the familiar rhythm of tapping on her computer keyboard. The office was abuzz with activity as every worker diligently tackled their tasks, racing against endless deadlines that came with the annual collaborations.

This year, the company was abuzz with preparations for Kenma's partnership with Alisa's renowned clothing line. The collaboration promised great potential for growth, a significant milestone for Kenma's company. And it was all thanks to Hinata Shoyo, whose recent triumph in a game in Brazil had featured him wearing the jersey with 's logo.

Lev Haiba, a well-known Japanese-Russian model and Alisa's younger brother, had been chosen as the ambassador for the collaboration. Lev's friendship with Kenma added an extra layer of familiarity and excitement to the project.

"Etsuko, let's grab something for dinner." Kenma's voice broke through her concentration, his knuckles gently tapping on the white-gold marble counter.

Even without looking up, Etsuko recognized that familiar voice. "Huh?" she responded absentmindedly, her focus still fixed on the computer screen.

"Will you please spare me a look, Mrs. Kozume."

"What the hell, Kenma? You're seriously making a fucking useless trouble." Her eyes scan around the place. Looking around if someone was there and heard Kenma's nonsense words. Thankfully, the coast was clear. She let out a sigh of relief.

"That's not a nice joke. What on earth are you planning to do this time?" 

Kenma teased, leaning closer to her until there was barely an inch of space between them. "Now you are looking." he remarked, teasing her about her momentary distraction. "You look prettier up close, Euko."

Etsuko instinctively shuts her mouth. She knew all too well the mischief that Kenma was capable of, and she didn't want to give him any opportunity to disrupt their professional environment.

"I'm not planning to kiss you." Kenma leaned back, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Not here." he winks, standing straight to his feet.

"Kenma, you've been acting strangely these past few days. Is the workload taking a toll on your head? If you need to take a few days off to rest, please do so," Etsuko suggested, her tone softened to convey her concern. "We still have the partnership to finalize-"

"I never realized the extent of your obliviousness." Kenma says in straight face. Why are you so dense?

Etsuko blinked, her innocent eyes reflecting her confusion. "What do you mean?" she asked, genuinely puzzled.

Kenma's gaze held hers, his voice steady and unwavering. "I said let's get married."

Etsuko let out a sigh of surrender, realizing that Kenma was once again playing one of his unpredictable tricks. "What time is it?" she asked, swiftly gathering the work papers on her table

"Right now? It's almost 6." He said after glancing at his wristwatch.

"What the- I haven't even had lunch yet," Etsuko muttered to herself, inwardly cursing her forgetfulness.

"You'll die young, I'm telling you," Kenma warned, crossing his arms over his chest. "And I still have to marry you," he added, his words whispered into the air, hoping she wouldn't catch them.

Unaware of his whispered words, Etsuko continued organizing her work supplies, placing them in their designated spots. "Have you eaten, Kozume?"

"I haven't." Kenma admitted. He was fixated with his game and forgot the time.

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