Part 3

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TW: SA!!

Bellas pov:
4 am
I woke up and looked at the clock. "four am" i sigh and lay back down. I catch Damiano staring at me. "what" i said. "what" Damiano said with smirk. Why the smirk? Ugh what did i do to him. "why are you staring at me?" i whispered with little bit of attitude. Damiano kept staring at me couple seconds just not saying anything. "no reason" he finally said. "mkayy" i said and still kept the confused attitude. I try to sleep again but it's not working. I just sigh every second and switch the position. " cannot sleep?" Damiano whispered. "yeah" I sigh again. "why not" i am silenct for a second cuz of thinking what i should say. I dont even know why. "i dont know, just my brain reminding me of the shooter" i say while placing my hand under my head now facing him. "come here" what? What is he doing? "what? why?" i asked confused. "just come" he said with attitude. Oh god no. I just thought for a moment that i have nothing to loose now. And nothing big is not propably gonna happen. Just bitch go there it's not that hard. I decided to get up and i walked and sat next to Damiano. "so what?" i asked. He placed his hand to my shoulder and he laid down. So i obiously laid with him. He maybe saw that i was kinda nervous of course. "Relax i'm not gonna kill you or anything" he said laughing. "yo fuck you, good you are not gonna kill me, one try is enough" i said. He laughed again. Ha, i know i'm funny. But- yeah anyway. We kinda 'cuddled' if i can say that. But it really helped me to sleep. I fell asleep almost second after i laid with him. Thanks.
10 am
"hey girl wake-up" a voice said to me and arms shaking me. It was obiously Tessa. "kk girl i'm awake" i said still half sleeping. "did you sleep bad, u dont sleep this long often" Tessa said. "yeah i woke up 4 am and i was awake for a while, the mf shooter is taking all my good dreams away" i said with kinda annoyed attitude. "Yeah kinda same, how did u get sleep then?" Tessa asked. Oh fuck. I was kinda hoping she wouldn't ask this. How am i gonna explain it when everyone is near to me and would definetly hear it. "just somehow" i said while getting up. "kk girl" Tessa responded and headed to the kitchen. I was looking for my clothes. "ugh where did i leave them" i whisperd to myself. "Looking for these?" A voice asked behind my ear. It was Damiano, obiously. I kinda freaked out, feels like i'm scared of everything after last night. "chill, just me" Damiano said with little laugh while giving my clothes to me. "thanks, i'm scared of everything now" i said with annoyed attitude. "yeah i can see that" Damiano said with laugh. I just laughed back and went to the bathroom to change the clothes. I saw that victoria has a hair curler and at the same time i looked at my hair. It looked like Donald Trumps wig. Ugh. Did i just look like this when i talked with Damiano. Oh god please no. "Hey Vic, can i use your hair curler really quick, if u dont mind?" I yelled from the bathroom, just little bit opening the door. "Yeah i dont mind, go ahead" Vic said with big smile. Than god. She saved my life, or maybe my hair. "thank youuu" i said with relief smile. Okay here we go. Finally after an hour i was ready for something. I walked out of the bathroom and went to get some food. "Oooh yesss Ethan the chef is heree" i yelled happily. "oh yeah sure he is" he said with the sweetest smile. I hugged him tighly and kissed hes cheek. "thank youu" i said happily. "i'm literally starving to death" i said with desperate. "go ahead there's eggs, salad and bread. I am making bacons, they are ready in a minute" Ethan said with the sweet smile again. I smiled back of course. I felt like someone was staring at me. Well i kinda know the answer who is staring at me. I looked at Damiano, and there he was staring at me, but with kinda angry look. What? What did i do? Is he jealous of ethan or what? Sorry, i just wanted to thank for food, that's what good people do. But yeah what ever. "Bacons are ready" Ethan yelled to everyone. I think he saw Damiano staring at him with death stare but he did not care. As you shouldn't Ethan. King vibes. But yeah we all sat on the couch and started watching, titanic? Well okay. Ethan was another side of me and Tessa on the other. The food was so good. We spended the day just talking and chilling at Vics apartment.
6 pm
"Hey i think we should go eat something to the new restaurant what opened next to the street!" Thomas said. I clearly can see that he was exiting about it. "Sure, fine by me" I said. "Is my food not good enough" Ethan said with sad face. ARAHGAGAHGAHAGGAHA i feel so bad. "no no no NO, absolutely not, i would totally live with only your food, but if there is a new restaurant then we should try it" i said with smile. Ik he was joking but I STILL FEEL BAD. He just nodded with little laugh. Thank you, now i dont feel so bad about myself. I looked over Damiano and he had this huge death stare. Oh god, if he gets jealous this easy then imma gonna have some fun, one day. "okay then lets goo" Tessa said while hyping everyone up. I love her. She just has these good vibes. Everyone headed to the door. We got out her house and we were walking to the restaurant. It was not far away. Just idk 200 metres, so not much. We got into the restaurant and went to sit on a table at the back. The brought us menus and asked drinks. Eveyone wanted water. "Okay so u guys know what you are going to order?" Vic asked everyone. "yup" everyone said. After we ordered we started talking about random things. All of sudden i felt like someone was staring at me AGAIN. Weird. I looked over Damiano but he did not stare at me. This time. I looked over the place to see who it was or am i just feeling weird and scared of everything after what happened at the bar. But right behind my back was a little bit old man, like maybe 50-60y old who was staring at me. That's uncomfy. I wanted ro get out of there. "Hey guys i'm gonna go to rhe restroom very quick" i said kinda nervously and almost ran there. I looked back really quick and the man was COMING behind me. What the fuuuuuuck? I'm so scared literally, i think i'm gonna throw up. I stopped when i heard that i got message. It was from Damiano? How did he get my number?He texted: "u k?" i was kinda suprised that he asked that. "yeah i quess, but imma gonna text to you after three minutes and if i'm not then something is wrong" i texted him back. "why there would be something wrong" oh yeah fuck i forgot to tell him. " a man was staring at me and followed me here" i texted as fast as i could him back. "aren't you a beautiful young lady" the man said. I saw that Damiano was looking at me from the tabel. Ugh i felt sick that that man said that. "yeah" i mumbeld amd went inside to the girls restroom. The man followed me there. To the GIRLS restroom. Ugh fuck why? All of sudden he grabed my arm and said "hey what are you doing? I was trying to be nice to you! Why did u act like that" i scared the hell out for real. "i ugh umm- i just did not-" i tried to say something. "i think u need to learn a lesson" he said and that's when i totally freakd out. I tried to scream but he covered my mouth with his hand. Oh fuuuuck. He pinned me to the wall behind me. He started kissing me. I am lietarlly gonna get a fucking big trauma after this whole week. He started punching me every where. I heard that Damiano was texting me. "are you okay?!?" "WHY DID THAT MAN FOLLOW YOU THERE?!" "you havent texted me, i'm coming with Ethan!!" yes thank you yes. He started popping inside of me forcefully what was really painful. I think i'm bleeding. I'm fucking crying so loud and trying to scream. He just kept puncing me everywhere. What did i do to deserve this? I hear door open and there was Damiano and Ethan. Thank goooood. I felt his arms and everything else going out of me when he got grabed away. Thank you. My vision was blurring. I felt dizzy. Next thing i know was that i was laying on the floor while Damiano and Ethan were beating up the guy who raped me. Then i totally passed out.

Heyyyyyyyyy girlss and guysss and non-binary hoeees😋💅💅
Soo this chapter was full of action and longer than last two were. Sooo how did you like it??😜✌️
I am gonna write more today and i am trying to update almost EVERY DAY😀✨
But bye guys <3

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