Chapter 5 (Discord ID's)

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"So you're alright with them all staying here?" Nick asked looking over at Allie. She nodded enthusiastically.

Allie's POV:

I looked over at Dad as he smiled. We were eating the Shepard's pie I had made. They seemed to be happy with my answer.

We finished our meals and I told them I would continue coding for the meantime. They agreed, so I ran upstairs.

I ran into my dad's room and quickly copied off the discord ID's of his friends. I was planning on having them incase of some thing about the trip going wrong. But I also wanted to be able to maybe talk to the people who were going to stay in my home for the next few months, you know.

Quite understandable. I quickly ran over to my room and laid down on my bed. I looked at the ID's I had to choose from(of course these aren't real):






-Wilbur Soot#787


I decided I would try talking to George. I thought that was my safest option.



It's Allie. Maybe you remember me?

Ohhhhh yeah I do. It's nice to meet you. :)

It's nice to meet you too. I'm guessing it was a bit of a shock.. Sorry about that.

Not going to lie we were planning on telling you guys at some point.

But I was a bit too nervous. Dad wasn't as nervous though.

It's so weird hearing someone call Clay 'dad'. But it's nice to know about it I guess.

You guys ever planning on telling the stans and fans?

Yeah. But I thought we should start off with you guys.

Sounded like an easier task honestly.

I guess so yeah.

Anyways I was just wondering, do you know who would be the next easiest person to talk to on this list?

*attachment list of people on paper*

I suggest Ranboo or Tubbo. Was I the easiest to talk to?

Well I feel like Dad likes you quite a bit I won't lie. But thanks for the advice!

Wait what?

I said nothing.


Hello, are you Tubbo? It's me Allie from this morning.


Shit, it's late by you so sorry!



Hello, you're Ranboo right? I'm Allie from this morning.

Please tell me you're American and awake.

Yeah I'm awake. And yes it's me.

Oh thank god. I texted the Tubbo dude and forgot he's in Britain.

Yeah, that might've been a problem. Call me Noah btw. I feel like it's better off stream.
(For anyone asking why not Mark. His name has never been confirmed, so I went with the first one that popped up on Pinterest.)

Ok thank you. I'm just trying to get to know people before they live in the home for like a few months.

Makes sense I guess.

Gee thanks. You're nice.

Come on. I'm just not good at texting.

I bet you're short.

How'd you tell?


Sucks to be you I guess. Short people are superior.

They're not. Anyways goodbye.



Hello my lovelies!

Favourite sweet and if you don't like sweets, something savoury?

Just a snack.

Love you all byeeee.


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